.. _`basic usage`: Basic Usage =========== Tracing ~~~~~~~ ``patch_all`` ------------- To manually install the instrumentation use ``patch_all`` as early as possible in the application:: from ddtrace import patch_all patch_all() To toggle instrumentation for a particular module:: from ddtrace import patch_all patch_all(redis=False, cassandra=False) By default all supported libraries will be instrumented when ``patch_all`` is used. **Note:** To ensure that the supported libraries are instrumented properly in the application, they must be patched *prior* to being imported. So make sure to call ``patch_all`` *before* importing libraries that are to be instrumented. More information about ``patch_all`` is available in the :ref:`patch_all` API documentation. Manual Instrumentation ---------------------- To extend the functionality of the ``ddtrace`` library several APIs are provided. Decorator --------- ``ddtrace`` provides a decorator that can be used to trace a particular method in your application:: @tracer.wrap() def business_logic(): """A method that would be of interest to trace.""" # ... # ... API documentation can be found here :py:meth:`ddtrace.Tracer.wrap`. Context Manager --------------- To trace an arbitrary block of code, you can use :py:meth:`ddtrace.Tracer.trace` that returns a :py:mod:`ddtrace.Span` which can be used as a context manager:: # trace some interesting operation with tracer.trace('interesting.operations'): # do some interesting operation(s) # ... # ... API documentation can be found here :py:meth:`ddtrace.Tracer`. Using the API ------------- If the above methods are still not enough to satisfy your tracing needs, a manual API to provide complete control over starting and stopping spans. span = tracer.trace('operations.of.interest') # span is started once created # do some operation(s) of interest in between # NOTE: be sure to call span.finish() or the trace will not be sent to # Datadog span.finish() API details for creating and finishing spans can be found here: - :py:meth:`ddtrace.Tracer.trace` - :py:meth:`ddtrace.Span.finish`. Profiling ~~~~~~~~~ Via module ---------- To automatically profile your code, you can import the `ddtrace.profiling.auto` module. As soon as it is imported, it will start catching CPU profiling information on your behalf:: import ddtrace.profiling.auto Via API ------- If you want to control which part of your code should be profiled, you can use the `ddtrace.profiling.Profiler` object:: from ddtrace.profiling import Profiler prof = Profiler() prof.start() # At shutdown prof.stop() .. important:: The profiler has been designed to be always-on. The ``start`` and ``stop`` methods are provided in case you need a fine-grained control over the profiler lifecycle. They are not provided for starting and stopping the profiler many times during your application lifecycle. Do not use them for e.g. building a context manager. Handling `os.fork` ------------------ When your process forks using `os.fork`, the profiler is stopped in the child process. For Python 3.7 and later on POSIX platforms, a new profiler will be started if you enabled the profiler via `ddtrace-run` or `ddtrace.profiling.auto`. If you manually instrument the profiler, or if you rely on Python 3.6 or a non-POSIX platform and earlier version, you'll have to manually restart the profiler in your child. The global profiler instrumented by `ddtrace-run` and `ddtrace.profiling.auto` can be started by calling `ddtrace.profiling.auto.start_profiler`.