Advanced Usage ============== .. _agentconfiguration: Agent Configuration ------------------- If the Datadog Agent is on a separate host from your application, you can modify the default ``ddtrace.tracer`` object to utilize another hostname and port. Here is a small example showcasing this:: from ddtrace import tracer tracer.configure(hostname=, port=, https=) By default, these will be set to ``localhost``, ``8126``, and ``False`` respectively. You can also use a Unix Domain Socket to connect to the agent:: from ddtrace import tracer tracer.configure(uds_path="/path/to/socket") Distributed Tracing ------------------- To trace requests across hosts, the spans on the secondary hosts must be linked together by setting `trace_id` and `parent_id`. - On the server side, it means to read propagated attributes and set them to the active tracing context. - On the client side, it means to propagate the attributes, commonly as a header/metadata. `ddtrace` already provides default propagators but you can also implement your own. Web Frameworks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some web framework integrations support distributed tracing out of the box. Supported web frameworks: +-------------------+---------+ | Framework/Library | Enabled | +===================+=========+ | :ref:`aiohttp` | True | +-------------------+---------+ | :ref:`bottle` | True | +-------------------+---------+ | :ref:`django` | True | +-------------------+---------+ | :ref:`falcon` | True | +-------------------+---------+ | :ref:`flask` | True | +-------------------+---------+ | :ref:`pylons` | True | +-------------------+---------+ | :ref:`pyramid` | True | +-------------------+---------+ | :ref:`requests` | True | +-------------------+---------+ | :ref:`tornado` | True | +-------------------+---------+ HTTP Client ^^^^^^^^^^^ For distributed tracing to work, necessary tracing information must be passed alongside a request as it flows through the system. When the request is handled on the other side, the metadata is retrieved and the trace can continue. To propagate the tracing information, HTTP headers are used to transmit the required metadata to piece together the trace. .. autoclass:: ddtrace.propagation.http.HTTPPropagator :members: Custom ^^^^^^ You can manually propagate your tracing context over your RPC protocol. Here is an example assuming that you have `` function that call a `method` and propagate a `rpc_metadata` dictionary over the wire:: # Implement your own context propagator class MyRPCPropagator(object): def inject(self, span_context, rpc_metadata): rpc_metadata.update({ 'trace_id': span_context.trace_id, 'span_id': span_context.span_id, }) def extract(self, rpc_metadata): return Context( trace_id=rpc_metadata['trace_id'], span_id=rpc_metadata['span_id'], ) # On the parent side def parent_rpc_call(): with tracer.trace("parent_span") as span: rpc_metadata = {} propagator = MyRPCPropagator() propagator.inject(span.context, rpc_metadata) method = "", metadata) # On the child side def child_rpc_call(method, rpc_metadata): propagator = MyRPCPropagator() context = propagator.extract(rpc_metadata) tracer.context_provider.activate(context) with tracer.trace("child_span") as span: span.set_meta('my_rpc_method', method) Sampling -------- Client Sampling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Client sampling enables the sampling of traces before they are sent to the Agent. This can provide some performance benefit as the traces will be dropped in the client. The ``RateSampler`` randomly samples a percentage of traces:: from ddtrace.sampler import RateSampler # Sample rate is between 0 (nothing sampled) to 1 (everything sampled). # Keep 20% of the traces. sample_rate = 0.2 tracer.sampler = RateSampler(sample_rate) Resolving deprecation warnings ------------------------------ Before upgrading, it’s a good idea to resolve any deprecation warnings raised by your project. These warnings must be fixed before upgrading, otherwise the ``ddtrace`` library will not work as expected. Our deprecation messages include the version where the behavior is altered or removed. In Python, deprecation warnings are silenced by default. To enable them you may add the following flag or environment variable:: $ python -Wall # or $ PYTHONWARNINGS=all python Trace Filtering --------------- It is possible to filter or modify traces before they are sent to the Agent by configuring the tracer with a filters list. For instance, to filter out all traces of incoming requests to a specific url:: from ddtrace import tracer tracer.configure(settings={ 'FILTERS': [ FilterRequestsOnUrl(r'http://test\.example\.com'), ], }) The filters in the filters list will be applied sequentially to each trace and the resulting trace will either be sent to the Agent or discarded. **Built-in filters** The library comes with a ``FilterRequestsOnUrl`` filter that can be used to filter out incoming requests to specific urls: .. autoclass:: ddtrace.filters.FilterRequestsOnUrl :members: **Writing a custom filter** Create a filter by implementing a class with a ``process_trace`` method and providing it to the filters parameter of :meth:`ddtrace.Tracer.configure()`. ``process_trace`` should either return a trace to be fed to the next step of the pipeline or ``None`` if the trace should be discarded:: from ddtrace import Span, tracer from ddtrace.filters import TraceFilter class FilterExample(TraceFilter): def process_trace(self, trace): # type: (List[Span]) -> Optional[List[Span]] ... # And then configure it with tracer.configure(settings={'FILTERS': [FilterExample()]}) (see for other example implementations) .. _`Logs Injection`: Logs Injection -------------- .. automodule:: ddtrace.contrib.logging .. _http-tagging: HTTP tagging ------------ Query String Tracing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is possible to store the query string of the URL — the part after the ``?`` in your URL — in the ``url.query.string`` tag. Configuration can be provided both at the global level and at the integration level. Examples:: from ddtrace import config # Global config config.http.trace_query_string = True # Integration level config, e.g. 'falcon' config.falcon.http.trace_query_string = True .. _http-headers-tracing: Headers tracing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For a selected set of integrations, it is possible to store http headers from both requests and responses in tags. Configuration can be provided both at the global level and at the integration level. Examples:: from ddtrace import config # Global config config.trace_headers([ 'user-agent', 'transfer-encoding', ]) # Integration level config, e.g. 'falcon' config.falcon.http.trace_headers([ 'user-agent', 'some-other-header', ]) The following rules apply: - headers configuration is based on a whitelist. If a header does not appear in the whitelist, it won't be traced. - headers configuration is case-insensitive. - if you configure a specific integration, e.g. 'requests', then such configuration overrides the default global configuration, only for the specific integration. - if you do not configure a specific integration, then the default global configuration applies, if any. - if no configuration is provided (neither global nor integration-specific), then headers are not traced. Once you configure your application for tracing, you will have the headers attached to the trace as tags, with a structure like in the following example:: http { method GET request { headers { user_agent my-app/0.0.1 } } response { headers { transfer_encoding chunked } } status_code 200 url } .. _http-custom-error: Custom Error Codes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is possible to have a custom mapping of which HTTP status codes are considered errors. By default, 500-599 status codes are considered errors. Configuration is provided both at the global level. Examples:: from ddtrace import config config.http_server.error_statuses = '500-599' Certain status codes can be excluded by providing a list of ranges. Valid options: - ``400-400`` - ``400-403,405-499`` - ``400,401,403`` .. _adv_opentracing: OpenTracing ----------- The Datadog opentracer can be configured via the ``config`` dictionary parameter to the tracer which accepts the following described fields. See below for usage. +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | Configuration Key | Description | Default Value | +=====================+========================================+===============+ | `enabled` | enable or disable the tracer | `True` | +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | `debug` | enable debug logging | `False` | +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | `agent_hostname` | hostname of the Datadog agent to use | `localhost` | +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | `agent_https` | use https to connect to the agent | `False` | +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | `agent_port` | port the Datadog agent is listening on | `8126` | +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | `global_tags` | tags that will be applied to each span | `{}` | +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | `sampler` | see `Sampling`_ | `AllSampler` | +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | `uds_path` | unix socket of agent to connect to | `None` | +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | `settings` | see `Advanced Usage`_ | `{}` | +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ Usage ^^^^^ **Manual tracing** To explicitly trace:: import time import opentracing from ddtrace.opentracer import Tracer, set_global_tracer def init_tracer(service_name): config = { 'agent_hostname': 'localhost', 'agent_port': 8126, } tracer = Tracer(service_name, config=config) set_global_tracer(tracer) return tracer def my_operation(): span = opentracing.tracer.start_span('my_operation_name') span.set_tag('my_interesting_tag', 'my_interesting_value') time.sleep(0.05) span.finish() init_tracer('my_service_name') my_operation() **Context Manager Tracing** To trace a function using the span context manager:: import time import opentracing from ddtrace.opentracer import Tracer, set_global_tracer def init_tracer(service_name): config = { 'agent_hostname': 'localhost', 'agent_port': 8126, } tracer = Tracer(service_name, config=config) set_global_tracer(tracer) return tracer def my_operation(): with opentracing.tracer.start_span('my_operation_name') as span: span.set_tag('my_interesting_tag', 'my_interesting_value') time.sleep(0.05) init_tracer('my_service_name') my_operation() See our tracing trace-examples_ repository for concrete, runnable examples of the Datadog opentracer. .. _trace-examples: See also the `Python OpenTracing`_ repository for usage of the tracer. .. _Python OpenTracing: **Alongside Datadog tracer** The Datadog OpenTracing tracer can be used alongside the Datadog tracer. This provides the advantage of providing tracing information collected by ``ddtrace`` in addition to OpenTracing. The simplest way to do this is to use the :ref:`ddtrace-run` command to invoke your OpenTraced application. Examples ^^^^^^^^ **Celery** Distributed Tracing across celery tasks with OpenTracing. 1. Install Celery OpenTracing:: pip install Celery-OpenTracing 2. Replace your Celery app with the version that comes with Celery-OpenTracing:: from celery_opentracing import CeleryTracing from ddtrace.opentracer import set_global_tracer, Tracer ddtracer = Tracer() set_global_tracer(ddtracer) app = CeleryTracing(app, tracer=ddtracer) Opentracer API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: ddtrace.opentracer.Tracer :members: :special-members: __init__ .. _ddtracerun: ``ddtrace-run`` --------------- ``ddtrace-run`` will trace :ref:`supported` web frameworks and database modules without the need for changing your code:: $ ddtrace-run -h Execute the given Python program, after configuring it to emit Datadog traces. Append command line arguments to your program as usual. Usage: ddtrace-run The environment variables for ``ddtrace-run`` used to configure the tracer are detailed in :ref:`Configuration`. ``ddtrace-run`` respects a variety of common entrypoints for web applications: - ``ddtrace-run python`` - ``ddtrace-run python runserver`` - ``ddtrace-run gunicorn myapp.wsgi:application`` Pass along command-line arguments as your program would normally expect them:: $ ddtrace-run gunicorn myapp.wsgi:application --max-requests 1000 --statsd-host localhost:8125 If you're running in a Kubernetes cluster and still don't see your traces, make sure your application has a route to the tracing Agent. An easy way to test this is with a:: $ pip install ipython $ DATADOG_TRACE_DEBUG=true ddtrace-run ipython Because iPython uses SQLite, it will be automatically instrumented and your traces should be sent off. If an error occurs, a message will be displayed in the console, and changes can be made as needed. .. _uwsgi: uWSGI ----- The tracer and profiler support uWSGI when configured with the following: - Threads must be enabled with `enable-threads `_ or with `threads `_ if running uWSGI in multithreaded mode. - If manual instrumentation and configuration is used, `lazy-apps `_ must be used. To enable tracing with automatic instrumentation and configuration with environment variables, use `import `_ option with the setting ``ddtrace.bootstrap.customize``. For example, add the following to the uWSGI configuration file:: import=ddtrace.bootstrap.sitecustomize **Note:** Automatic instrumentation and configuration using ``ddtrace-run`` is not supported with uWSGI. To enable tracing with manual instrumentation and configuration, configure uWSGI with the ``lazy-apps`` option and use :ref:`patch_all()` and :ref:`agent configuration` to a WSGI app:: from ddtrace import patch_all from ddtrace import tracer patch_all() tracer.configure(collect_metrics=True) def application(env, start_response): with tracer.trace("uwsgi-app"): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type','text/html')]) return [b"Hello World"] API --- ``Tracer`` ^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: ddtrace.Tracer :members: :special-members: __init__ ``Span`` ^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: ddtrace.Span :members: :special-members: __init__ ``Pin`` ^^^^^^^ .. _Pin: .. autoclass:: ddtrace.Pin :members: :special-members: __init__ .. _patch_all: ``patch_all`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autofunction:: ddtrace.monkey.patch_all .. _patch: ``patch`` ^^^^^^^^^ .. autofunction:: ddtrace.monkey.patch .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2