Advanced Usage¶
Agent Configuration¶
If the Datadog Agent is on a separate host from your application, you can modify
the default ddtrace.tracer
object to utilize another hostname and port. Here
is a small example showcasing this:
from ddtrace import tracer
tracer.configure(hostname=<YOUR_HOST>, port=<YOUR_PORT>, https=<True/False>)
By default, these will be set to localhost
, 8126
, and False
You can also use a Unix Domain Socket to connect to the agent:
from ddtrace import tracer
The ddtrace.context.Context
object is used to represent the state of
a trace at a point in time. This state includes the trace id, active span id,
distributed sampling decision and more. It is used to propagate the trace
across execution boundaries like processes
(Distributed Tracing), threads and tasks.
To retrieve the context of the currently active trace use:
context = tracer.current_trace_context()
Note that if there is no active trace then None
will be returned.
Tracing Context Management¶
In ddtrace
“context management” is the management of which
or ddtrace.context.Context
is active in an
execution (thread, task, etc). There can only be one active span or context
per execution at a time.
Context management enables parenting to be done implicitly when creating new spans by using the active span as the parent of a new span. When an active span finishes its parent becomes the new active span.
automatically creates new spans as the child of the active
# Here no span is active
assert tracer.current_span() is None
with tracer.trace("parent") as parent:
# Here `parent` is active
assert tracer.current_span() is parent
with tracer.trace("child") as child:
# Here `child` is active.
# `child` automatically inherits from `parent`
assert tracer.current_span() is child
# `parent` is active again
assert tracer.current_span() is parent
# Here no span is active again
assert tracer.current_span() is None
Span objects are owned by the execution in which they are created and must be finished in the same execution. The span context can be used to continue a trace in a different execution by passing it and activating it on the other end. See the sections below for how to propagate traces across task, thread or process boundaries.
Tracing Across Threads¶
To continue a trace across threads the context needs to be passed between threads:
import threading, time
from ddtrace import tracer
def _target(trace_ctx):
with tracer.trace("second_thread"):
# `second_thread`s parent will be the `main_thread` span
with tracer.trace("main_thread"):
thread = threading.Thread(target=_target, args=(tracer.current_trace_context(),))
Tracing Across Processes¶
Just like the threading case, if tracing across processes is desired then the span has to be propagated as a context:
from multiprocessing import Process
import time
from ddtrace import tracer
def _target(ctx):
with tracer.trace("proc"):
with tracer.trace("work"):
proc = Process(target=_target, args=(tracer.current_trace_context(),))
A ddtrace.Span
should only be accessed or modified in the process
that it was created in. Using a ddtrace.Span
from within a child process
could result in a deadlock or unexpected behavior.
If using fork(), any open spans from the parent process must be finished by the parent process. Any active spans from the original process will be converted to contexts to avoid memory leaks.
Here’s an example of tracing some work done in a child process:
import os, sys, time
from ddtrace import tracer
span = tracer.trace("work")
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
with tracer.trace("child_work"):
# Do some other work in the parent
_, status = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
exit_code = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
assert exit_code == 0
Tracing Across Asyncio Tasks¶
By default the active context will by propagated across tasks on creation as
the contextvars context is copied between tasks. If this is not desirable
then None
can be activated in the new task:
Manual Management¶
Parenting can be managed manually by using tracer.start_span()
which by
default does not activate spans when they are created. See the documentation
for ddtrace.Tracer.start_span()
Context Providers¶
The default context provider used in the tracer uses contextvars to store the active context per execution. This means that any asynchronous library that uses contextvars will have support for automatic context management.
If there is a case where the default is insufficient then a custom context
provider can be used. It must implement the
interface and can be configured
Distributed Tracing¶
To trace requests across hosts, the spans on the secondary hosts must be linked together by setting trace_id and parent_id.
On the server side, it means to read propagated attributes and set them to the active tracing context.
On the client side, it means to propagate the attributes, commonly as a header/metadata.
ddtrace already provides default propagators but you can also implement your own.
Web Frameworks¶
Some web framework integrations support distributed tracing out of the box.
Supported web frameworks:
Framework/Library |
Enabled |
True |
True |
True |
True |
True |
True |
True |
True |
True |
HTTP Client¶
For distributed tracing to work, necessary tracing information must be passed alongside a request as it flows through the system. When the request is handled on the other side, the metadata is retrieved and the trace can continue.
To propagate the tracing information, HTTP headers are used to transmit the required metadata to piece together the trace.
See HTTPPropagator
for details.
You can manually propagate your tracing context over your RPC protocol. Here is an example assuming that you have function that call a method and propagate a rpc_metadata dictionary over the wire:
# Implement your own context propagator
class MyRPCPropagator(object):
def inject(self, span_context, rpc_metadata):
'trace_id': span_context.trace_id,
'span_id': span_context.span_id,
def extract(self, rpc_metadata):
return Context(
# On the parent side
def parent_rpc_call():
with tracer.trace("parent_span") as span:
rpc_metadata = {}
propagator = MyRPCPropagator()
propagator.inject(span.context, rpc_metadata)
method = "<my rpc method>", metadata)
# On the child side
def child_rpc_call(method, rpc_metadata):
propagator = MyRPCPropagator()
context = propagator.extract(rpc_metadata)
with tracer.trace("child_span") as span:
span.set_tag('my_rpc_method', method)
Trace Filtering¶
It is possible to filter or modify traces before they are sent to the Agent by configuring the tracer with a filters list. For instance, to filter out all traces of incoming requests to a specific url:
from ddtrace import tracer
The filters in the filters list will be applied sequentially to each trace and the resulting trace will either be sent to the Agent or discarded.
Built-in filters
The library comes with a FilterRequestsOnUrl
filter that can be used to
filter out incoming requests to specific urls:
- class ddtrace.filters.FilterRequestsOnUrl(regexps)¶
Filter out traces from incoming http requests based on the request’s url.
This class takes as argument a list of regular expression patterns representing the urls to be excluded from tracing. A trace will be excluded if its root span contains a
tag and if this tag matches any of the provided regular expression using the standard python regexp match semantic ( Parameters
regexps (list) – a list of regular expressions (or a single string) defining the urls that should be filtered out.
Examples: To filter out http calls to domain
To filter out http calls to all first level subdomains from
To filter out calls to both and
FilterRequestOnUrl([r'http://test\\.example\\.com', r'http://example\\.com/healthcheck'])
Writing a custom filter
Create a filter by implementing a class with a process_trace
method and
providing it to the filters parameter of ddtrace.Tracer.configure()
should either return a trace to be fed to the next step of
the pipeline or None
if the trace should be discarded:
from ddtrace import Span, tracer
from ddtrace.filters import TraceFilter
class FilterExample(TraceFilter):
def process_trace(self, trace):
# type: (List[Span]) -> Optional[List[Span]]
# And then configure it with
tracer.configure(settings={'FILTERS': [FilterExample()]})
(see for other example implementations)
Logs Injection¶
Datadog APM traces can be integrated with the logs product by:
1. Having ddtrace
patch the logging
module. This will add trace
attributes to the log record.
2. Updating the log formatter used by the application. In order to inject
tracing information into a log the formatter must be updated to include the
tracing attributes from the log record. ddtrace-run
will do this
automatically for you by specifying a format. For more detail or instructions
for how to do this manually see the manual section below.
With these in place the trace information will be injected into a log entry which can be used to correlate the log and trace in Datadog.
When using ddtrace-run
, enable patching by setting the environment variable
. The logger by default will have a format that
includes trace information:
import logging
from ddtrace import tracer
log = logging.getLogger()
log.level = logging.INFO
def hello():'Hello, World!')
Manual Instrumentation¶
If you prefer to instrument manually, patch the logging library then update the log formatter as in the following example
Make sure that your log format exactly matches the following:
from ddtrace import patch_all; patch_all(logging=True)
import logging
from ddtrace import tracer
FORMAT = ('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(name)s] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] '
'[dd.service=%(dd.service)s dd.env=%(dd.env)s '
'dd.version=%(dd.version)s '
'dd.trace_id=%(dd.trace_id)s dd.span_id=%(dd.span_id)s]'
'- %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger()
log.level = logging.INFO
def hello():'Hello, World!')
HTTP tagging¶
Query String Tracing¶
It is possible to store the query string of the URL — the part after the ?
in your URL — in the url.query.string
Configuration can be provided both at the global level and at the integration level.
from ddtrace import config
# Global config
config.http.trace_query_string = True
# Integration level config, e.g. 'falcon'
config.falcon.http.trace_query_string = True
Headers tracing¶
For a selected set of integrations, it is possible to store http headers from both requests and responses in tags.
The recommended method is to use the DD_TRACE_HEADER_TAGS
environment variable.
Alternatively, configuration can be provided both at the global level and at the integration level in your application code.
from ddtrace import config
# Global config
# Integration level config, e.g. 'falcon'
- The following rules apply:
headers configuration is based on a whitelist. If a header does not appear in the whitelist, it won’t be traced.
headers configuration is case-insensitive.
if you configure a specific integration, e.g. ‘requests’, then such configuration overrides the default global configuration, only for the specific integration.
if you do not configure a specific integration, then the default global configuration applies, if any.
if no configuration is provided (neither global nor integration-specific), then headers are not traced.
Once you configure your application for tracing, you will have the headers attached to the trace as tags, with a structure like in the following example:
http {
method GET
request {
headers {
user_agent my-app/0.0.1
response {
headers {
transfer_encoding chunked
status_code 200
Custom Error Codes¶
It is possible to have a custom mapping of which HTTP status codes are considered errors. By default, 500-599 status codes are considered errors. Configuration is provided both at the global level.
from ddtrace import config
config.http_server.error_statuses = '500-599'
- Certain status codes can be excluded by providing a list of ranges. Valid options:
The Datadog opentracer can be configured via the config
parameter to the tracer which accepts the following described fields. See below
for usage.
Configuration Key |
Description |
Default Value |
enabled |
enable or disable the tracer |
True |
debug |
enable debug logging |
False |
agent_hostname |
hostname of the Datadog agent to use |
localhost |
agent_https |
use https to connect to the agent |
False |
agent_port |
port the Datadog agent is listening on |
8126 |
global_tags |
tags that will be applied to each span |
{} |
uds_path |
unix socket of agent to connect to |
None |
settings |
see Advanced Usage |
{} |
Manual tracing
To explicitly trace:
import time
import opentracing
from ddtrace.opentracer import Tracer, set_global_tracer
def init_tracer(service_name):
config = {
'agent_hostname': 'localhost',
'agent_port': 8126,
tracer = Tracer(service_name, config=config)
return tracer
def my_operation():
span = opentracing.tracer.start_span('my_operation_name')
span.set_tag('my_interesting_tag', 'my_interesting_value')
Context Manager Tracing
To trace a function using the span context manager:
import time
import opentracing
from ddtrace.opentracer import Tracer, set_global_tracer
def init_tracer(service_name):
config = {
'agent_hostname': 'localhost',
'agent_port': 8126,
tracer = Tracer(service_name, config=config)
return tracer
def my_operation():
with opentracing.tracer.start_span('my_operation_name') as span:
span.set_tag('my_interesting_tag', 'my_interesting_value')
See our tracing trace-examples repository for concrete, runnable examples of the Datadog opentracer.
See also the Python OpenTracing repository for usage of the tracer.
Alongside Datadog tracer
The Datadog OpenTracing tracer can be used alongside the Datadog tracer. This
provides the advantage of providing tracing information collected by
in addition to OpenTracing. The simplest way to do this is to use
the ddtrace-run command to invoke your OpenTraced
Distributed Tracing across celery tasks with OpenTracing.
Install Celery OpenTracing:
pip install Celery-OpenTracing
Replace your Celery app with the version that comes with Celery-OpenTracing:
from celery_opentracing import CeleryTracing from ddtrace.opentracer import set_global_tracer, Tracer ddtracer = Tracer() set_global_tracer(ddtracer) app = CeleryTracing(app, tracer=ddtracer)
Opentracer API¶
- class ddtrace.opentracer.Tracer(service_name: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, scope_manager: Optional[opentracing.scope_manager.ScopeManager] = None, dd_tracer: Optional[ddtrace.tracer.Tracer] = None)¶
A wrapper providing an OpenTracing API for the Datadog tracer.
- __init__(service_name: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, scope_manager: Optional[opentracing.scope_manager.ScopeManager] = None, dd_tracer: Optional[ddtrace.tracer.Tracer] = None) None ¶
Initialize a new Datadog opentracer.
- Parameters
service_name – (optional) the name of the service that this tracer will be used with. Note if not provided, a service name will try to be determined based off of
. If this fails addtrace.settings.ConfigException
will be raised.config – (optional) a configuration object to specify additional options. See the documentation for further information.
scope_manager – (optional) the scope manager for this tracer to use. The available managers are listed in the Python OpenTracing repo here: If
is provided, defaults toopentracing.scope_managers.ThreadLocalScopeManager
.dd_tracer – (optional) the Datadog tracer for this tracer to use. This should only be passed if a custom Datadog tracer is being used. Defaults to the global
- property scope_manager¶
Returns the scope manager being used by this tracer.
- start_active_span(operation_name: str, child_of: Optional[Union[ddtrace.opentracer.span.Span, ddtrace.opentracer.span_context.SpanContext]] = None, references: Optional[List[Any]] = None, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ignore_active_span: bool = False, finish_on_close: bool = True) opentracing.scope.Scope ¶
Returns a newly started and activated Scope. The returned Scope supports with-statement contexts. For example:
with tracer.start_active_span('...') as scope: scope.span.set_tag('http.method', 'GET') do_some_work() # Span.finish() is called as part of Scope deactivation through # the with statement.
It’s also possible to not finish the Span when the Scope context expires:
with tracer.start_active_span('...', finish_on_close=False) as scope: scope.span.set_tag('http.method', 'GET') do_some_work() # Span.finish() is not called as part of Scope deactivation as # `finish_on_close` is `False`.
- Parameters
operation_name – name of the operation represented by the new span from the perspective of the current service.
child_of – (optional) a Span or SpanContext instance representing the parent in a REFERENCE_CHILD_OF Reference. If specified, the references parameter must be omitted.
references – (optional) a list of Reference objects that identify one or more parent SpanContexts. (See the Reference documentation for detail).
tags – an optional dictionary of Span Tags. The caller gives up ownership of that dictionary, because the Tracer may use it as-is to avoid extra data copying.
start_time – an explicit Span start time as a unix timestamp per time.time().
ignore_active_span – (optional) an explicit flag that ignores the current active Scope and creates a root Span.
finish_on_close – whether span should automatically be finished when Scope.close() is called.
- Returns
a Scope, already registered via the ScopeManager.
- start_span(operation_name: Optional[str] = None, child_of: Optional[Union[ddtrace.opentracer.span.Span, ddtrace.opentracer.span_context.SpanContext]] = None, references: Optional[List[Any]] = None, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ignore_active_span: bool = False) ddtrace.opentracer.span.Span ¶
Starts and returns a new Span representing a unit of work.
Starting a root Span (a Span with no causal references):
Starting a child Span (see also start_child_span()):
tracer.start_span( '...', child_of=parent_span)
Starting a child Span in a more verbose way:
tracer.start_span( '...', references=[opentracing.child_of(parent_span)])
Note: the precedence when defining a relationship is the following, from highest to lowest: 1. child_of 2. references 3. (unless ignore_active_span is True) 4. None
Currently Datadog only supports child_of references.
- Parameters
operation_name – name of the operation represented by the new span from the perspective of the current service.
child_of – (optional) a Span or SpanContext instance representing the parent in a REFERENCE_CHILD_OF Reference. If specified, the references parameter must be omitted.
references – (optional) a list of Reference objects that identify one or more parent SpanContexts. (See the Reference documentation for detail)
tags – an optional dictionary of Span Tags. The caller gives up ownership of that dictionary, because the Tracer may use it as-is to avoid extra data copying.
start_time – an explicit Span start time as a unix timestamp per time.time()
ignore_active_span – an explicit flag that ignores the current active Scope and creates a root Span.
- Returns
an already-started Span instance.
- property active_span¶
Retrieves the active span from the opentracing scope manager
Falls back to using the datadog active span if one is not found. This allows opentracing users to use datadog instrumentation.
- inject(span_context: ddtrace.opentracer.span_context.SpanContext, format: str, carrier: Dict[str, str]) None ¶
Injects a span context into a carrier.
- Parameters
span_context – span context to inject.
format – format to encode the span context with.
carrier – the carrier of the encoded span context.
- extract(format: str, carrier: Dict[str, str]) ddtrace.opentracer.span_context.SpanContext ¶
Extracts a span context from a carrier.
- Parameters
format – format that the carrier is encoded with.
carrier – the carrier to extract from.
- get_log_correlation_context() Dict[str, str] ¶
Retrieves the data used to correlate a log with the current active trace. Generates a dictionary for custom logging instrumentation including the trace id and span id of the current active span, as well as the configured service, version, and environment names. If there is no active span, a dictionary with an empty string for each value will be returned.
will trace supported web frameworks
and database modules without the need for changing your code:
$ ddtrace-run -h
Execute the given Python program, after configuring it
to emit Datadog traces.
Append command line arguments to your program as usual.
Usage: ddtrace-run <my_program>
–info: This argument prints an easily readable tracer health check and configurations. It does not reflect configuration changes made at the code level, only environment variable configurations.
The environment variables for ddtrace-run
used to configure the tracer are
detailed in Configuration.
respects a variety of common entrypoints for web applications:
ddtrace-run python
ddtrace-run python runserver
ddtrace-run gunicorn myapp.wsgi:application
Pass along command-line arguments as your program would normally expect them:
$ ddtrace-run gunicorn myapp.wsgi:application --max-requests 1000 --statsd-host localhost:8125
If you’re running in a Kubernetes cluster and still don’t see your traces, make sure your application has a route to the tracing Agent. An easy way to test this is with a:
$ pip install ipython
$ DD_TRACE_DEBUG=true ddtrace-run ipython
Because iPython uses SQLite, it will be automatically instrumented and your traces should be sent off. If an error occurs, a message will be displayed in the console, and changes can be made as needed.
Note: ddtrace-run
is not supported with uWSGI.
only supports uWSGI when configured with each of the following:
Threads must be enabled with the enable-threads or threads options.
Lazy apps must be enabled with the lazy-apps option.
For automatic instrumentation (like
) set the import option toddtrace.bootstrap.sitecustomize
Example with CLI arguments:
uwsgi --enable-threads --lazy-apps --import=ddtrace.bootstrap.sitecustomize --master --processes=5 --http --module wsgi:app
Example with uWSGI ini file:
;; uwsgi.ini
module = wsgi:app
http =
master = true
processes = 5
;; ddtrace required options
enable-threads = 1
lazy-apps = 1
uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
supports Gunicorn.
However, if you are using the gevent
worker class, you have to make sure
monkey patching is done before loading the ddtrace
There are different options to make that happen:
If you rely on
, you must setDD_GEVENT_PATCH_ALL=1
in your environment to have gevent patched first-thing.Replace
by usingimport ddtrace.bootstrap.sitecustomize
as the first import of your application.Use a post_worker_init hook to import