.. _Configuration: =============== Configuration =============== `ddtrace` can be configured using environment variables. They are listed below: .. ddtrace-configuration-options:: DD_ENV: description: | Set an application's environment e.g. ``prod``, ``pre-prod``, ``staging``. Added in ``v0.36.0``. See `Unified Service Tagging`_ for more information. DD_SERVICE: default: (autodetected) description: | Set the service name to be used for this application. A default is provided for these integrations: :ref:`bottle`, :ref:`flask`, :ref:`grpc`, :ref:`pyramid`, :ref:`pylons`, :ref:`tornado`, :ref:`celery`, :ref:`django` and :ref:`falcon`. Added in ``v0.36.0``. See `Unified Service Tagging`_ for more information. DD_SERVICE_MAPPING: description: | Define service name mappings to allow renaming services in traces, e.g. ``postgres:postgresql,defaultdb:postgresql``. DD_TAGS: description: | Set global tags to be attached to every span. Value must be either comma or space separated. e.g. ``key1:value1,key2,value2`` or ``key1:value key2:value2``. version_added: v0.38.0: Comma separated support added v0.48.0: Space separated support added DD_VERSION: description: | Set an application's version in traces and logs e.g. ``1.2.3``, ``6c44da20``, ``2020.02.13``. Generally set along with ``DD_SERVICE``. See `Unified Service Tagging`_ for more information. version_added: v0.36.0: DD_SITE: default: datadoghq.com description: | Specify which site to use for uploading profiles. Set to ``datadoghq.eu`` to use EU site. DD_TRACE_ENABLED: type: Boolean default: True description: | Enable sending of spans to the Agent. Note that instrumentation will still be installed and spans will be generated. version_added: v0.41.0: | Formerly named ``DATADOG_TRACE_ENABLED`` DD_INSTRUMENTATION_TELEMETRY_ENABLED: type: Boolean default: True description: | Enables sending :ref:`telemetry ` events to the agent. DD_TRACE_DEBUG: type: Boolean default: False description: | Enables debug logging in the tracer. Setting this flag will cause the library to create a root logging handler if one does not already exist. Can be used with `DD_TRACE_LOG_FILE` to route logs to a file. version_added: v0.41.0: | Formerly named ``DATADOG_TRACE_DEBUG`` DD_TRACE_LOG_FILE_LEVEL: default: DEBUG description: | Configures the ``RotatingFileHandler`` used by the `ddtrace` logger to write logs to a file based on the level specified. Defaults to `DEBUG`, but will accept the values found in the standard **logging** library, such as WARNING, ERROR, and INFO, if further customization is needed. Files are not written to unless ``DD_TRACE_LOG_FILE`` has been defined. DD_TRACE_LOG_FILE: description: | Directs `ddtrace` logs to a specific file. Note: The default backup count is 1. For larger logs, use with ``DD_TRACE_LOG_FILE_SIZE_BYTES``. To fine tune the logging level, use with ``DD_TRACE_LOG_FILE_LEVEL``. DD_TRACE_LOG_FILE_SIZE_BYTES: type: Int default: 15728640 description: | Max size for a file when used with `DD_TRACE_LOG_FILE`. When a log has exceeded this size, there will be one backup log file created. In total, the files will store ``2 * DD_TRACE_LOG_FILE_SIZE_BYTES`` worth of logs. DD_TRACE__ENABLED: type: Boolean default: True description: | Enables to be patched. For example, ``DD_TRACE_DJANGO_ENABLED=false`` will disable the Django integration from being installed. version_added: v0.41.0: DD_PATCH_MODULES: description: | Override the modules patched for this execution of the program. Must be a list in the ``module1:boolean,module2:boolean`` format. For example, ``boto:true,redis:false``. version_added: v0.55.0: | Formerly named ``DATADOG_PATCH_MODULES`` DD_LOGS_INJECTION: type: Boolean default: False description: Enables :ref:`Logs Injection`. DD_CALL_BASIC_CONFIG: type: Boolean default: False description: Controls whether ``logging.basicConfig`` is called in ``ddtrace-run`` or when debug mode is enabled. DD_AGENT_HOST: type: String default: | ``localhost`` description: | The host name to use to connect the Datadog agent for traces. The host name can be IPv4, IPv6, or a domain name. If ``DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL`` is specified, the value of ``DD_AGENT_HOST`` is ignored. Example for IPv4: ``DD_AGENT_HOST=`` Example for IPv6: ``DD_AGENT_HOST=2001:db8:3333:4444:CCCC:DDDD:EEEE:FFFF`` Example for domain name: ``DD_AGENT_HOST=host`` version_added: v0.17.0: v1.7.0: DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL: type: URL default: | ``unix:///var/run/datadog/apm.socket`` if available otherwise ``http://localhost:8126`` description: | The URL to use to connect the Datadog agent for traces. The url can start with ``http://`` to connect using HTTP or with ``unix://`` to use a Unix Domain Socket. Example for http url: ``DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL=http://localhost:8126`` Example for UDS: ``DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL=unix:///var/run/datadog/apm.socket`` DD_DOGSTATSD_URL: type: URL default: | ``unix:///var/run/datadog/dsd.socket`` if available otherwise ``udp://localhost:8125`` description: | The URL to use to connect the Datadog agent for Dogstatsd metrics. The url can start with ``udp://`` to connect using UDP or with ``unix://`` to use a Unix Domain Socket. Example for UDP url: ``DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL=udp://localhost:8125`` Example for UDS: ``DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL=unix:///var/run/datadog/dsd.socket`` DD_TRACE_AGENT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: type: Float default: 2.0 description: The timeout in float to use to connect to the Datadog agent. DD_TRACE_WRITER_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES: type: Int default: 8388608 description: The max size in bytes of traces to buffer between flushes to the agent. DD_TRACE_WRITER_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTES: type: Int default: 8388608 description: | The max size in bytes of each payload item sent to the trace agent. If the max payload size is greater than buffer size, then max size of each payload item will be the buffer size. DD_TRACE_WRITER_INTERVAL_SECONDS: type: Float default: 1.0 description: The time between each flush of traces to the trace agent. DD_TRACE_STARTUP_LOGS: type: Boolean default: False description: Enable or disable start up diagnostic logging. DD_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE: type: Float default: 1.0 description: A float, f, 0.0 <= f <= 1.0. f*100% of traces will be sampled. DD_TRACE_SAMPLING_RULES: type: JSON array description: | A JSON array of objects. Each object must have a “sample_rate”, and the “name” and “service” fields are optional. The “sample_rate” value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). **Example:** ``DD_TRACE_SAMPLING_RULES='[{"sample_rate":0.5,"service":"my-service"}]'`` **Note** that the JSON object must be included in single quotes (') to avoid problems with escaping of the double quote (") character. DD_SPAN_SAMPLING_RULES: type: string description: | A JSON array of objects. Each object must have a "name" and/or "service" field, while the "max_per_second" and "sample_rate" fields are optional. The "sample_rate" value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive), and will default to 1.0 (100% sampled). The "max_per_second" value must be >= 0 and will default to no limit. The "service" and "name" fields can be glob patterns: "*" matches any substring, including the empty string, "?" matches exactly one of any character, and any other character matches exactly one of itself. **Example:** ``DD_SPAN_SAMPLING_RULES='[{"sample_rate":0.5,"service":"my-serv*","name":"flask.re?uest"}]'`` version_added: v1.4.0: DD_SPAN_SAMPLING_RULES_FILE: type: string description: | A path to a JSON file containing span sampling rules organized as JSON array of objects. For the rules each object must have a "name" and/or "service" field, and the "sample_rate" field is optional. The "sample_rate" value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive), and will default to 1.0 (100% sampled). The "max_per_second" value must be >= 0 and will default to no limit. The "service" and "name" fields are glob patterns, where "glob" means: "*" matches any substring, including the empty string, "?" matches exactly one of any character, and any other character matches exactly one of itself. **Example:** ``DD_SPAN_SAMPLING_RULES_FILE="data/span_sampling_rules.json"'`` **Example File Contents:** ``[{"sample_rate":0.5,"service":"*-service","name":"my-name-????", "max_per_second":"20"}, {"service":"xy?","name":"a*c"}]`` version_added: v1.4.0: DD_TRACE_HEADER_TAGS: description: | A map of case-insensitive header keys to tag names. Automatically applies matching header values as tags on root spans. For example, ``User-Agent:http.useragent,content-type:http.content_type``. DD_TRACE_API_VERSION: default: | ``v0.5`` if priority sampling is enabled, else ``v0.3`` description: | The trace API version to use when sending traces to the Datadog agent. Currently, the supported versions are: ``v0.3``, ``v0.4`` and ``v0.5``. version_added: v0.56.0: v1.7.0: default changed to ``v0.5``. DD_TRACE_OBFUSCATION_QUERY_STRING_PATTERN: default: | ``(?i)(?:p(?:ass)?w(?:or)?d|pass(?:_?phrase)?|secret|(?:api_?|private_?|public_?|access_?|secret_?)key(?:_?id)?|token|consumer_?(?:id|key|secret)|sign(?:ed|ature)?|auth(?:entication|orization)?)(?:(?:\s|%20)*(?:=|%3D)[^&]+|(?:"|%22)(?:\s|%20)*(?::|%3A)(?:\s|%20)*(?:"|%22)(?:%2[^2]|%[^2]|[^"%])+(?:"|%22))|bearer(?:\s|%20)+[a-z0-9\._\-]|token(?::|%3A)[a-z0-9]{13}|gh[opsu]_[0-9a-zA-Z]{36}|ey[I-L](?:[\w=-]|%3D)+\.ey[I-L](?:[\w=-]|%3D)+(?:\.(?:[\w.+\/=-]|%3D|%2F|%2B)+)?|[\-]{5}BEGIN(?:[a-z\s]|%20)+PRIVATE(?:\s|%20)KEY[\-]{5}[^\-]+[\-]{5}END(?:[a-z\s]|%20)+PRIVATE(?:\s|%20)KEY|ssh-rsa(?:\s|%20)*(?:[a-z0-9\/\.+]|%2F|%5C|%2B){100,}.`` description: A regexp to redact sensitive query strings. Obfuscation disabled if set to empty string DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE: default: | ``datadog`` description: | Comma separated list of propagation styles used for extracting trace context from inbound request headers and injecting trace context into outbound request headers. Overridden by ``DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_EXTRACT`` for extraction. Overridden by ``DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_INJECT`` for injection. The supported values are ``datadog``, ``b3multi``, and ``b3 single header``, and ``none``. When checking inbound request headers we will take the first valid trace context in the order provided. When ``none`` is the only propagator listed, propagation is disabled. All provided styles are injected into the headers of outbound requests. Example: ``DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_EXTRACT="datadog,b3multi"`` to check for both ``x-datadog-*`` and ``x-b3-*`` headers when parsing incoming request headers for a trace context. version_added: v1.7.0: The ``b3multi`` propagation style was added and ``b3`` was deprecated in favor it. DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_EXTRACT: default: | ``datadog`` description: | Comma separated list of propagation styles used for extracting trace context from inbound request headers. Overrides ``DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE`` for extraction propagation style. The supported values are ``datadog``, ``b3multi``, and ``b3 single header``, and ``none``. When checking inbound request headers we will take the first valid trace context in the order provided. When ``none`` is the only propagator listed, extraction is disabled. Example: ``DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE="datadog,b3"`` to check for both ``x-datadog-*`` and ``x-b3-*`` headers when parsing incoming request headers for a trace context. In addition, to inject both ``x-datadog-*`` and ``x-b3-*`` headers into outbound requests. version_added: v1.7.0: The ``b3multi`` propagation style was added and ``b3`` was deprecated in favor it. DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_INJECT: default: | ``datadog`` description: | Comma separated list of propagation styles used for injecting trace context into outbound request headers. Overrides ``DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE`` for injection propagation style. The supported values are ``datadog``, ``b3multi``, and ``b3 single header``, and ``none``. All provided styles are injected into the headers of outbound requests. When ``none`` is the only propagator listed, injection is disabled. Example: ``DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_INJECT="datadog,b3multi"`` to inject both ``x-datadog-*`` and ``x-b3-*`` headers into outbound requests. version_added: v1.7.0: The ``b3multi`` propagation style was added and ``b3`` was deprecated in favor it. DD_TRACE_X_DATADOG_TAGS_MAX_LENGTH: type: Integer default: 512 description: | The maximum length of ``x-datadog-tags`` header allowed in the Datadog propagation style. Must be a value between 0 to 512. If 0, propagation of ``x-datadog-tags`` is disabled. DD_TRACE_PARTIAL_FLUSH_ENABLED: type: Boolean default: True description: Prevents large payloads being sent to APM. DD_PROFILING_ENABLED: type: Boolean default: False description: Enable Datadog profiling when using ``ddtrace-run``. DD_PROFILING_API_TIMEOUT: type: Float default: 10 description: The timeout in seconds before dropping events if the HTTP API does not reply. DD_PROFILING_MAX_TIME_USAGE_PCT: type: Float default: 1 description: | The percentage of maximum time the stack profiler can use when computing statistics. Must be greater than 0 and lesser or equal to 100. DD_PROFILING_MAX_FRAMES: type: Integer default: 64 description: The maximum number of frames to capture in stack execution tracing. DD_PROFILING_ENABLE_CODE_PROVENANCE: type: Boolean default: False description: Whether to enable code provenance. DD_PROFILING_MEMORY_ENABLED: type: Boolean default: True description: Whether to enable the memory profiler. DD_PROFILING_HEAP_ENABLED: type: Boolean default: True description: Whether to enable the heap memory profiler. DD_PROFILING_CAPTURE_PCT: type: Float default: 1 description: | The percentage of events that should be captured (e.g. memory allocation). Greater values reduce the program execution speed. Must be greater than 0 lesser or equal to 100. DD_PROFILING_UPLOAD_INTERVAL: type: Float default: 60 description: The interval in seconds to wait before flushing out recorded events. DD_PROFILING_IGNORE_PROFILER: type: Boolean default: False description: | **Deprecated**: whether to ignore the profiler in the generated data. DD_PROFILING_TAGS: description: | The tags to apply to uploaded profile. Must be a list in the ``key1:value,key2:value2`` format. DD_PROFILING_ENDPOINT_COLLECTION_ENABLED: type: Boolean default: True description: Whether to enable the endpoint data collection in profiles. DD_APPSEC_ENABLED: type: Boolean default: False description: Whether to enable AppSec monitoring. DD_APPSEC_RULES: type: String description: Path to a json file containing AppSec rules. DD_COMPILE_DEBUG: type: Boolean default: False description: Compile Cython extensions in RelWithDebInfo mode (with debug info, but no debug code or asserts) DD_APPSEC_OBFUSCATION_PARAMETER_KEY_REGEXP: default: | ``(?i)(?:p(?:ass)?w(?:or)?d|pass(?:_?phrase)?|secret|(?:api_?|private_?|public_?)key)|token|consumer_?(?:id|key|secret)|sign(?:ed|ature)|bearer|authorization`` description: Sensitive parameter key regexp for obfuscation. DD_APPSEC_OBFUSCATION_PARAMETER_VALUE_REGEXP: default: | ``(?i)(?:p(?:ass)?w(?:or)?d|pass(?:_?phrase)?|secret|(?:api_?|private_?|public_?|access_?|secret_?)key(?:_?id)?|token|consumer_?(?:id|key|secret)|sign(?:ed|ature)?|auth(?:entication|orization)?)(?:\s*=[^;]|"\s*:\s*"[^"]+")|bearer\s+[a-z0-9\._\-]+|token:[a-z0-9]{13}|gh[opsu]_[0-9a-zA-Z]{36}|ey[I-L][\w=-]+\.ey[I-L][\w=-]+(?:\.[\w.+\/=-]+)?|[\-]{5}BEGIN[a-z\s]+PRIVATE\sKEY[\-]{5}[^\-]+[\-]{5}END[a-z\s]+PRIVATE\sKEY|ssh-rsa\s*[a-z0-9\/\.+]{100,}`` description: Sensitive parameter value regexp for obfuscation. DD_HTTP_CLIENT_TAG_QUERY_STRING: type: Boolean default: True description: Send query strings in http.url tag in http client integrations. DD_HTTP_SERVER_TAG_QUERY_STRING: type: Boolean default: True description: Send query strings in http.url tag in http server integrations. DD_IAST_ENABLED: type: Boolean default: False description: Whether to enable IAST. DD_IAST_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS: type: Integer default: 2 description: Number of requests analyzed at the same time. DD_IAST_VULNERABILITIES_PER_REQUEST: type: Integer default: 2 description: Number of vulnerabilities reported in each request. DD_IAST_WEAK_HASH_ALGORITHMS: type: String default: "MD5,SHA1" description: Weak hashing algorithms that should be reported, comma separated. DD_IAST_WEAK_CIPHER_ALGORITHMS: type: String default: "DES,Blowfish,RC2,RC4,IDEA" description: Weak cipher algorithms that should be reported, comma separated. .. _Unified Service Tagging: https://docs.datadoghq.com/getting_started/tagging/unified_service_tagging/ Dynamic Instrumentation ----------------------- .. envier:: ddtrace.settings.dynamic_instrumentation:DynamicInstrumentationConfig