

The aiobotocore integration will trace all AWS calls made with the aiobotocore library. This integration is not enabled by default.


The aiobotocore integration is not enabled by default. Use patch() to enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch



This opts out of the default behavior of adding span tags for a narrow set of API parameters.

To not collect any API parameters, ddtrace.config.aiobotocore.tag_no_params = True or by setting the environment variable DD_AWS_TAG_NO_PARAMS=true.

Default: False


Instrument aiopg to report a span for each executed Postgres queries:

from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import aiopg

# If not patched yet, you can patch aiopg specifically

# This will report a span with the default settings
async with aiopg.connect(DSN) as db:
    with (await db.cursor()) as cursor:
        await cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1")

# Use a pin to specify metadata related to this connection
Pin.override(db, service='postgres-users')


The Algoliasearch integration will add tracing to your Algolia searches.


from algoliasearch import algoliasearch
client = alogliasearch.Client(<ID>, <API_KEY>)
index = client.init_index(<INDEX_NAME>)"your query", args={"attributesToRetrieve": "attribute1,attribute1"})



Whether to pass the text of your query onto Datadog. Since this may contain sensitive data it’s off by default

Default: False


The aredis integration traces aredis requests.


The aredis integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for aredis traces.

This option can also be set with the DD_AREDIS_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "redis"


Max allowable size for the aredis command span tag. Anything beyond the max length will be replaced with "...".

This option can also be set with the DD_AREDIS_CMD_MAX_LENGTH environment variable.

Default: 1000


The span resource will only include the command executed. To include all arguments in the span resource, set this value to False.

This option can also be set with the DD_REDIS_RESOURCE_ONLY_COMMAND environment variable.

Default: True

Instance Configuration#

To configure particular aredis instances use the Pin API:

import aredis
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

client = aredis.StrictRedis(host="localhost", port=6379)

# Override service name for this instance
Pin.override(client, service="my-custom-queue")

# Traces reported for this client will now have "my-custom-queue"
# as the service name.
async def example():
    await client.get("my-key")


The asgi middleware for tracing all requests to an ASGI-compliant application.

To configure tracing manually:

from ddtrace.contrib.asgi import TraceMiddleware

# app = <your asgi app>
app = TraceMiddleware(app)

Then use ddtrace-run when serving your application. For example, if serving with Uvicorn:

ddtrace-run uvicorn app:app

The middleware also supports using a custom function for handling exceptions for a trace:

from ddtrace.contrib.asgi import TraceMiddleware

def custom_handle_exception_span(exc, span):
    span.set_tag("http.status_code", 501)

# app = <your asgi app>
app = TraceMiddleware(app, handle_exception_span=custom_handle_exception_span)

To retrieve the request span from the scope of an ASGI request use the span_from_scope function:

from ddtrace.contrib.asgi import span_from_scope

def handle_request(scope, send):
    span = span_from_scope(scope)
    if span:



Whether to use distributed tracing headers from requests received by your Asgi app.

Default: True


The service name reported for your ASGI app.

Can also be configured via the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: 'asgi'


The aiohttp integration traces requests made with the client or to the server.

The client is automatically instrumented while the server must be manually instrumented using middleware.



The client integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


Include distributed tracing headers in requests sent from the aiohttp client.

This option can also be set with the DD_AIOHTTP_CLIENT_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING environment variable.

Default: True


Whether or not to use the domain name of requests as the service name.

Default: False



Automatic instrumentation is not available for the server, instead the provided trace_app function must be used:

from aiohttp import web
from ddtrace.trace import tracer, patch
from ddtrace.contrib.aiohttp import trace_app

# create your application
app = web.Application()
app.router.add_get('/', home_handler)

# trace your application handlers
trace_app(app, tracer, service='async-api')
web.run_app(app, port=8000)

Integration settings are attached to your application under the datadog_trace namespace. You can read or update them as follows:

# disables distributed tracing for all received requests
app['datadog_trace']['distributed_tracing_enabled'] = False

Available settings are:

  • tracer (default: ddtrace.tracer): set the default tracer instance that is used to trace aiohttp internals. By default the ddtrace tracer is used.

  • service (default: aiohttp-web): set the service name used by the tracer. Usually this configuration must be updated with a meaningful name.

  • distributed_tracing_enabled (default: True): enable distributed tracing during the middleware execution, so that a new span is created with the given trace_id and parent_id injected via request headers.

When a request span is created, a new Context for this logical execution is attached to the request object, so that it can be used in the application code:

async def home_handler(request):
    ctx = request['datadog_context']
    # do something with the tracing Context

All HTTP tags are supported for this integration.


The aiomysql integration instruments the aiomysql library to trace MySQL queries.


The integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Instance Configuration#

To configure the integration on an per-connection basis use the Pin API:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import asyncio
import aiomysql

# This will report a span with the default settings
conn = await aiomysql.connect(host="", port=3306,
                              user="root", password="", db="mysql",

# Use a pin to override the service name for this connection.
Pin.override(conn, service="mysql-users")

cur = await conn.cursor()
await cur.execute("SELECT 6*7 AS the_answer;")


The aiohttp_jinja2 integration adds tracing of template rendering.


The integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch


The Anthropic integration instruments the Anthropic Python library to traces for requests made to the models for messages.

All traces submitted from the Anthropic integration are tagged by:

  • service, env, version: see the Unified Service Tagging docs.

  • anthropic.request.model: Anthropic model used in the request.

  • anthropic.request.api_key: Anthropic API key used to make the request (obfuscated to match the Anthropic UI representation sk-...XXXX where XXXX is the last 4 digits of the key).

  • anthropic.request.parameters: Parameters used in anthropic package call.

(beta) Prompt and Completion Sampling#

Prompt texts and completion content for the Messages.create endpoint are collected in span tags with a default sampling rate of 1.0. These tags will have truncation applied if the text exceeds the configured character limit.


The Anthropic integration is enabled automatically when you use ddtrace-run or import

Note that these commands also enable the httpx integration which traces HTTP requests from the Anthropic library.

Alternatively, use patch() to manually enable the Anthropic integration:

from ddtrace import config, patch


Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for Anthropic requests.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_SERVICE or DD_ANTHROPIC_SERVICE environment variables.


(beta) ddtrace.config.anthropic["span_char_limit"]

Configure the maximum number of characters for the following data within span tags:

  • Message inputs and completions

Text exceeding the maximum number of characters is truncated to the character limit and has ... appended to the end.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_ANTHROPIC_SPAN_CHAR_LIMIT environment variable.

Default: 128

(beta) ddtrace.config.anthropic["span_prompt_completion_sample_rate"]

Configure the sample rate for the collection of prompts and completions as span tags.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_ANTHROPIC_SPAN_PROMPT_COMPLETION_SAMPLE_RATE environment variable.

Default: 1.0

Instance Configuration#

To configure the Anthropic integration on a per-instance basis use the Pin API:

import anthropic
from ddtrace import config
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

Pin.override(anthropic, service="my-anthropic-service")


This integration provides context management for tracing the execution flow of concurrent execution of asyncio.Task.


The asyncpg integration traces database requests made using connection and cursor objects.


The integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for asyncpg connections.

This option can also be set with the DD_ASYNCPG_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: postgres

Instance Configuration#


To configure the service name used by the asyncpg integration on a per-instance basis use the Pin API:

import asyncpg
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

conn = asyncpg.connect("postgres://localhost:5432")
Pin.override(conn, service="custom-service")


The Botocore integration will trace all AWS calls made with the botocore library. Libraries like Boto3 that use Botocore will also be patched.


The botocore integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

To patch only specific botocore modules, pass a list of the module names instead:

from ddtrace import patch
patch(botocore=['s3', 'sns'])



Whether to inject distributed tracing data to requests in SQS, SNS, EventBridge, Kinesis Streams and Lambda.

Can also be enabled with the DD_BOTOCORE_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING environment variable.


from ddtrace import config

# Enable distributed tracing
config.botocore['distributed_tracing'] = True

Default: True


This preserves legacy behavior when tracing directly invoked Python and Node Lambda functions instrumented with datadog-lambda-python < v41 or datadog-lambda-js < v3.58.0.

Legacy support for older libraries is available with ddtrace.config.botocore.invoke_with_legacy_context = True or by setting the environment variable DD_BOTOCORE_INVOKE_WITH_LEGACY_CONTEXT=true.

Default: False

ddtrace.config.botocore['operations'][<operation>].error_statuses = "<error statuses>"

Definition of which HTTP status codes to consider for making a span as an error span.

By default response status codes of '500-599' are considered as errors for all endpoints.

Example marking 404, and 5xx as errors for s3.headobject API calls:

from ddtrace import config

config.botocore['operations']['s3.headobject'].error_statuses = '404,500-599'

See HTTP - Custom Error Codes documentation for more examples.


This opts out of the default behavior of collecting a narrow set of API parameters as span tags.

To not collect any API parameters, ddtrace.config.botocore.tag_no_params = True or by setting the environment variable DD_AWS_TAG_NO_PARAMS=true.

Default: False


This opts into collecting spans for some internal functions, including parsers.ResponseParser.parse.

Can also be enabled with the DD_BOTOCORE_INSTRUMENT_INTERNALS environment variable.

Default: False


Configure the sample rate for the collection of bedrock prompts and completions as span tags.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_BEDROCK_SPAN_PROMPT_COMPLETION_SAMPLE_RATE environment variable.

Default: 1.0

(beta) ddtrace.config.botocore["span_char_limit"]

Configure the maximum number of characters for bedrock span tags for prompt/response text.

Text exceeding the maximum number of characters is truncated to the character limit and has ... appended to the end.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_BEDROCK_SPAN_CHAR_LIMIT environment variable.

Default: 128


This enables DynamoDB API calls to be instrumented with span pointers. Many DynamoDB API calls do not include the Item’s Primary Key fields as separate values, so they need to be provided to the tracer separately. This field should be structured as a dict keyed by the table names as str. Each value should be the set of primary key field names (as str) for the associated table. The set may have exactly one or two elements, depending on the Table’s Primary Key schema.

In python this would look like:

ddtrace.config.botocore['dynamodb_primary_key_names_for_tables'] = {
    'table_name': {'key1', 'key2'},
    'other_table': {'other_key'},

Can also be enabled with the DD_BOTOCORE_DYNAMODB_TABLE_PRIMARY_KEYS environment variable which is parsed as a JSON object with strings for keys and lists of strings for values.

This would look something like:

    "table_name": ["key1", "key2"],
    "other_table": ["other_key"]

Default: {}


This enables the addition of span pointers to spans associated with successful AWS API calls.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_BOTOCORE_ADD_SPAN_POINTERS environment variable.

Default: True


Boto integration will trace all AWS calls made via boto2.


The boto integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch



This opts out of the default behavior of collecting a narrow set of API parameters as span tags.

To not collect any API parameters, ddtrace.config.boto.tag_no_params = True or by setting the environment variable DD_AWS_TAG_NO_PARAMS=true.

Default: False


The bottle integration traces the Bottle web framework. Add the following plugin to your app:

import bottle
from ddtrace.trace import tracer
from ddtrace.contrib.bottle import TracePlugin

app = bottle.Bottle()
plugin = TracePlugin(service="my-web-app")

All HTTP tags are supported for this integration.



Whether to parse distributed tracing headers from requests received by your bottle app.

Can also be enabled with the DD_BOTTLE_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING environment variable.

Default: True


from ddtrace import config

# Enable distributed tracing
config.bottle['distributed_tracing'] = True


Instrument Cassandra to report Cassandra queries.

import will automatically patch your Cluster instance to make it work.

from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster

# If not patched yet, you can patch cassandra specifically

# This will report spans with the default instrumentation
cluster = Cluster(contact_points=[""], port=9042)
session = cluster.connect("my_keyspace")
# Example of instrumented query
session.execute("select id from my_table limit 10;")

# Use a pin to specify metadata related to this cluster
cluster = Cluster(contact_points=['', '', ''], port=9042)
Pin.override(cluster, service='cassandra-backend')
session = cluster.connect("my_keyspace")
session.execute("select id from my_table limit 10;")


The Celery integration will trace all tasks that are executed in the background. Functions and class based tasks are traced only if the Celery API is used, so calling the function directly or via the run() method will not generate traces. However, calling apply(), apply_async() and delay() will produce tracing data. To trace your Celery application, call the patch method:

import celery
from ddtrace import patch

app = celery.Celery()

def my_task():

class MyTask(app.Task):
    def run(self):



Whether or not to pass distributed tracing headers to Celery workers. Note: this flag applies to both Celery workers and callers separately.

On the caller: enabling propagation causes the caller and worker to share a single trace while disabling causes them to be separate.

On the worker: enabling propagation causes context to propagate across tasks, such as when Task A queues work for Task B, or if Task A retries. Disabling propagation causes each task to be in its own separate trace.

Can also be enabled with the DD_CELERY_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING environment variable.

Default: False


Sets service name for producer

Default: 'celery-producer'


Sets service name for worker

Default: 'celery-worker'


The Cherrypy trace middleware will track request timings. It uses the cherrypy hooks and creates a tool to track requests and errors


To install the middleware, add:

from ddtrace.trace import tracer
from ddtrace.contrib.cherrypy import TraceMiddleware

and create a TraceMiddleware object:

traced_app = TraceMiddleware(cherrypy, tracer, service="my-cherrypy-app")



Whether to parse distributed tracing headers from requests received by your CherryPy app.

Can also be enabled with the DD_CHERRYPY_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING environment variable.

Default: True


The service name reported for your CherryPy app.

Can also be configured via the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: 'cherrypy'

Example:: Here is the end result, in a sample app:

import cherrypy

from ddtrace.trace import tracer, Pin
from ddtrace.contrib.cherrypy import TraceMiddleware
TraceMiddleware(cherrypy, tracer, service="my-cherrypy-app")
class HelloWorld(object):
    def index(self):
        return "Hello World" = True



Instrument Consul to trace KV queries.

Only supports tracing for the synchronous client.

import will automatically patch your Consul client to make it work.

from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import consul

# If not patched yet, you can patch consul specifically

# This will report a span with the default settings
client = consul.Consul(host="", port=8500)

# Use a pin to specify metadata related to this client
Pin.override(client, service='consul-kv')

Datadog Lambda#

The aws_lambda integration currently enables traces to be sent before an impending timeout in an AWS Lambda function instrumented with the Datadog Lambda Python package.


The aws_lambda integration is enabled automatically for AWS Lambda functions which have been instrumented with Datadog.

Global Configuration#

This integration is configured automatically. The datadog_lambda package calls patch_all when DD_TRACE_ENABLED is set to true. It’s not recommended to call patch for it manually. Since it would not do anything for other environments that do not meet the criteria above.



You can configure some features with environment variables.


Used to determine when to submit spans before a timeout occurs. When the remaining time in an AWS Lambda invocation is less than DD_APM_FLUSH_DEADLINE_MILLISECONDS, the tracer will attempt to submit the current active spans and all finished spans.

Default: 100

For additional configuration refer to Instrumenting Python Serverless Applications by Datadog.


The Django integration traces requests, views, template renderers, database and cache calls in a Django application.

Enable Django tracing automatically via ddtrace-run:

ddtrace-run python runserver

Django tracing can also be enabled manually:


To have Django capture the tracer logs, ensure the LOGGING variable in looks similar to:

    'loggers': {
        'ddtrace': {
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'WARNING',



Note that the in-code configuration must be run before Django is instrumented. This means that in-code configuration will not work with ddtrace-run and before a call to patch or import


Whether or not to parse distributed tracing headers from requests received by your Django app.

Default: True


The service name reported for your Django app.

Can also be configured via the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: 'django'


The service name reported for your Django app cache layer.

Can also be configured via the DD_DJANGO_CACHE_SERVICE_NAME environment variable.

Default: 'django'


A string reported as the service name of the Django app database layer.

Can also be configured via the DD_DJANGO_DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME environment variable.

Takes precedence over database_service_name_prefix.

Default: ''


A string to be prepended to the service name reported for your Django app database layer.

Can also be configured via the DD_DJANGO_DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME_PREFIX environment variable.

The database service name is the name of the database appended with ‘db’. Has a lower precedence than database_service_name.

Default: ''


Whether or not to trace fetch methods.

Can also be configured via the DD_DJANGO_TRACE_FETCH_METHODS environment variable.

Default: False


Whether or not to instrument middleware.

Can also be enabled with the DD_DJANGO_INSTRUMENT_MIDDLEWARE environment variable.

Default: True


Whether or not to instrument template rendering.

Can also be enabled with the DD_DJANGO_INSTRUMENT_TEMPLATES environment variable.

Default: True


Whether or not to instrument databases.

Can also be enabled with the DD_DJANGO_INSTRUMENT_DATABASES environment variable.

Default: True


Whether or not to instrument caches.

Can also be enabled with the DD_DJANGO_INSTRUMENT_CACHES environment variable.

Default: True


Whether or not to include the query string as a tag.

Default: False


Whether or not to include the authenticated user’s name/id as a tag on the root request span.

Can also be configured via the DD_DJANGO_INCLUDE_USER_NAME environment variable.

Default: True


(ASM) Whether or not to include the authenticated user’s email (if available) as a tag on the root request span on a user event.

Can also be configured via the DD_DJANGO_INCLUDE_USER_EMAIL environment variable.

Default: False


(ASM) Whether or not to include the authenticated user’s login (if available) as a tag on the root request span on a user event.

Can also be configured via the DD_DJANGO_INCLUDE_USER_LOGIN environment variable.

Default: True


(ASM) Whether or not to include the authenticated user’s real name (if available) as a tag on the root request span on a user event.

Can also be configured via the DD_DJANGO_INCLUDE_USER_REALNAME environment variable.

Default: False


Whether or not to use the resource format “{method} {handler}”. Can also be enabled with the DD_DJANGO_USE_HANDLER_RESOURCE_FORMAT environment variable.

The default resource format for Django >= 2.2.0 is otherwise “{method} {urlpattern}”.

Default: False


Whether or not to use the resource format “{method} {handler}.{url_name}”. Can also be enabled with the DD_DJANGO_USE_HANDLER_WITH_URL_NAME_RESOURCE_FORMAT environment variable.

This configuration applies only for Django <= 2.2.0.

Default: False


Whether or not to use the legacy resource format “{handler}”. Can also be enabled with the DD_DJANGO_USE_LEGACY_RESOURCE_FORMAT environment variable.

The default resource format for Django >= 2.2.0 is otherwise “{method} {urlpattern}”.

Default: False


from ddtrace import config

# Enable distributed tracing
config.django['distributed_tracing_enabled'] = True

# Override service name
config.django['service_name'] = 'custom-service-name'

Headers tracing is supported for this integration.


Instrument dogpile.cache to report all cached lookups.

This will add spans around the calls to your cache backend (e.g. redis, memory, etc). The spans will also include the following tags:

  • key/keys: The key(s) dogpile passed to your backend. Note that this will be the output of the region’s function_key_generator, but before any key mangling is applied (i.e. the region’s key_mangler).

  • region: Name of the region.

  • backend: Name of the backend class.

  • hit: If the key was found in the cache.

  • expired: If the key is expired. This is only relevant if the key was found.

While cache tracing will generally already have keys in tags, some caching setups will not have useful tag values - such as when you’re using consistent hashing with memcached - the key(s) will appear as a mangled hash.

# Patch before importing dogpile.cache
from ddtrace import patch

from dogpile.cache import make_region

region = make_region().configure(
    arguments={"url": [""]},

def hello(name):
    # Some complicated, slow calculation
    return "Hello, {}".format(name)


The Elasticsearch integration will trace Elasticsearch queries.


The elasticsearch integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

# This will report spans with the default instrumentation
es = Elasticsearch(port=ELASTICSEARCH_CONFIG['port'])
# Example of instrumented query
es.indices.create(index='books', ignore=400)

# Use a pin to specify metadata related to this client
es = Elasticsearch(port=ELASTICSEARCH_CONFIG['port'])
Pin.override(es.transport, service='elasticsearch-videos')
es.indices.create(index='videos', ignore=400)

OpenSearch is also supported (opensearch-py):

from ddtrace import patch
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch

os = OpenSearch()
# Example of instrumented query
os.indices.create(index='books', ignore=400)



The service name reported for your elasticsearch app.


from ddtrace import config

# Override service name
config.elasticsearch['service'] = 'custom-service-name'


To trace the falcon web framework, install the trace middleware:

import falcon
from ddtrace.trace import tracer
from ddtrace.contrib.falcon import TraceMiddleware

mw = TraceMiddleware(tracer, 'my-falcon-app')

You can also use the autopatching functionality:

import falcon
from ddtrace.trace import tracer, patch


app = falcon.API()

To disable distributed tracing when using autopatching, set the DD_FALCON_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING environment variable to False.

Supported span hooks

The following is a list of available tracer hooks that can be used to intercept and modify spans created by this integration.

  • request
    • Called before the response has been finished

    • def on_falcon_request(span, request, response)


import falcon
from ddtrace import config

app = falcon.API()

def on_falcon_request(span, request, response):
    span.set_tag('my.custom', 'tag')

Headers tracing is supported for this integration.


The fastapi integration will trace requests to and from FastAPI.


The fastapi integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

When registering your own ASGI middleware using FastAPI’s add_middleware() function, keep in mind that Datadog spans close after your middleware’s call to await returns. This means that accesses of span data from within the middleware should be performed prior to this call.



The service name reported for your fastapi app.

Can also be configured via the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: 'fastapi'


The span name for a fastapi request.

Default: 'fastapi.request'


from ddtrace import config

# Override service name
config.fastapi['service_name'] = 'custom-service-name'

# Override request span name
config.fastapi['request_span_name'] = 'custom-request-span-name'


The Flask integration will add tracing to all requests to your Flask application.

This integration will track the entire Flask lifecycle including user-defined endpoints, hooks, signals, and template rendering.

To configure tracing manually:


from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return 'hello world'

if __name__ == '__main__':

You may also enable Flask tracing automatically via ddtrace-run:

ddtrace-run python

Note that if you are using IAST/Custom Code to detect vulnerabilities (DD_IAST_ENABLED=1) and your main file contains code outside the call (e.g. routes or utility functions) you will need to import and call ddtrace_iast_flask_patch() before the to ensure the code inside the main module is patched to propagation works:

from flask import Flask from ddtrace.appsec._iast import ddtrace_iast_flask_patch

app = Flask(__name__)

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:




Whether to parse distributed tracing headers from requests received by your Flask app.

Default: True


The service name reported for your Flask app.

Can also be configured via the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: 'flask'


Whether to add request tags for view function argument values.

Default: True


The default template name to use when one does not exist.

Default: <memory>


Whether to trace Flask signals (before_request, after_request, etc).

Default: True


from ddtrace import config

# Enable distributed tracing
config.flask['distributed_tracing_enabled'] = True

# Override service name
config.flask['service_name'] = 'custom-service-name'

All HTTP tags are supported for this integration.

Flask Cache#

The flask cache tracer will track any access to a cache backend. You can use this tracer together with the Flask tracer middleware.

The tracer supports both Flask-Cache and Flask-Caching.

To install the tracer, from ddtrace.trace import tracer needs to be added:

from ddtrace.trace import tracer
from ddtrace.contrib.flask_cache import get_traced_cache

and the tracer needs to be initialized:

Cache = get_traced_cache(tracer, service='my-flask-cache-app')

Here is the end result, in a sample app:

from flask import Flask

from ddtrace.trace import tracer
from ddtrace.contrib.flask_cache import get_traced_cache

app = Flask(__name__)

# get the traced Cache class
Cache = get_traced_cache(tracer, service='my-flask-cache-app')

# use the Cache as usual with your preferred CACHE_TYPE
cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'})

def counter():
    # this access is traced
    conn_counter = cache.get("conn_counter")

Use a specific Cache implementation with:

from ddtrace.trace import tracer
from ddtrace.contrib.flask_cache import get_traced_cache

from flask_caching import Cache

Cache = get_traced_cache(tracer, service='my-flask-cache-app', cache_cls=Cache)


The futures integration propagates the current active tracing context to tasks spawned using a ThreadPoolExecutor. The integration ensures that when operations are executed in another thread, those operations can continue the previously generated trace.


The futures integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch


The gevent integration adds support for tracing across greenlets.


If ddtrace-run is not being used then be sure to import before importing from the gevent library. If ddtrace-run is being used then no additional configuration is required.


The integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Example of the context propagation:

def my_parent_function():
    with tracer.trace("web.request") as span:
        span.service = "web"

def worker_function():
    # then trace its child
    with tracer.trace("") as span:
        span.service = "greenlet"

        with tracer.trace("greenlet.child_call") as child:


The Gemini integration instruments the Google Gemini Python API to traces for requests made to Google models.

All traces submitted from the Gemini integration are tagged by:

  • service, env, version: see the Unified Service Tagging docs.

  • google_generativeai.request.model: Google model used in the request.

  • google_generativeai.request.api_key: Google Gemini API key used to make the request (obfuscated to match the Google AI Studio UI representation ...XXXX where XXXX is the last 4 digits of the key).

(beta) Prompt and Completion Sampling#

Prompt texts and completion content for the generateContent endpoint are collected in span tags with a default sampling rate of 1.0. These tags will have truncation applied if the text exceeds the configured character limit.


The Gemini integration is enabled automatically when you use ddtrace-run or import

Alternatively, use patch() to manually enable the Gemini integration:

from ddtrace import config, patch


Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for Gemini requests.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_SERVICE or DD_GOOGLE_GENERATIVEAI_SERVICE environment variables.


(beta) ddtrace.config.google_generativeai["span_char_limit"]

Configure the maximum number of characters for the following data within span tags:

  • Text inputs and completions

Text exceeding the maximum number of characters is truncated to the character limit and has ... appended to the end.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_GOOGLE_GENERATIVEAI_SPAN_CHAR_LIMIT environment variable.

Default: 128

(beta) ddtrace.config.google_generativeai["span_prompt_completion_sample_rate"]

Configure the sample rate for the collection of prompts and completions as span tags.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_GOOGLE_GENERATIVEAI_SPAN_PROMPT_COMPLETION_SAMPLE_RATE environment variable.

Default: 1.0

Instance Configuration#

To configure the Gemini integration on a per-instance basis use the Pin API:

import google.generativeai as genai
from ddtrace import config
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

Pin.override(genai, service="my-gemini-service")


This integration instruments graphql-core queries.


The graphql integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch
import graphql

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for graphql instances.

This option can also be set with the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "graphql"


To enable graphql.resolve spans set DD_TRACE_GRAPHQL_RESOLVERS_ENABLED to True

Default: False

Enabling instrumentation for resolvers will produce a graphql.resolve span for every graphql field. For complex graphql queries this could produce large traces.

To configure the graphql integration using the Pin API:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import graphql

Pin.override(graphql, service="mygraphql")


The gRPC integration traces the client and server using the interceptor pattern.


The gRPC integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

# use grpc like usual

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for gRPC client instances.

This option can also be set with the DD_GRPC_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "grpc-client"


The service name reported by default for gRPC server instances.

This option can also be set with the DD_SERVICE or DD_GRPC_SERVER_SERVICE environment variables.

Default: "grpc-server"

Instance Configuration#

To configure the gRPC integration on an per-channel basis use the Pin API:

import grpc
from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin


# override the pin on the client
Pin.override(grpc.Channel, service='mygrpc')
with grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051') as channel:
    # create stubs and send requests

To configure the gRPC integration on the server use the Pin API:

import grpc
from import logging_pool

from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin


# override the pin on the server
Pin.override(grpc.Server, service='mygrpc')
server = grpc.server(logging_pool.pool(2))
add_MyServicer_to_server(MyServicer(), server)


ddtrace works with Gunicorn.


If you cannot wrap your Gunicorn server with the ddtrace-run command and it uses gevent workers be sure to import as early as possible in your application’s lifecycle. Do not use ddtrace-run with import


Trace the standard library httplib/http.client libraries to trace HTTP requests.


The httplib integration is disabled by default. It can be enabled when using ddtrace-run or import using the DD_TRACE_HTTPLIB_ENABLED environment variable:

DD_TRACE_HTTPLIB_ENABLED=true ddtrace-run ....

The integration can also be enabled manually in code with patch_all():

from ddtrace import patch_all

Global Configuration#


Include distributed tracing headers in requests sent from httplib.

This option can also be set with the DD_HTTPLIB_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING environment variable.

Default: True

Instance Configuration#

The integration can be configured per instance:

from ddtrace import config

# Disable distributed tracing globally.
config.httplib['distributed_tracing'] = False
connection = http.client.HTTPConnection('')

Headers tracing is supported for this integration.


The httpx integration traces all HTTP requests made with the httpx library.


The httpx integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Alternatively, use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

# use httpx like usual

Global Configuration#


The default service name for httpx requests. By default the httpx integration will not define a service name and inherit its service name from its parent span.

If you are making calls to uninstrumented third party applications you can set this setting, use the ddtrace.config.httpx['split_by_domain'] setting, or use a Pin to override an individual connection’s settings (see example below for Pin usage).

This option can also be set with the DD_HTTPX_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: None


Whether or not to inject distributed tracing headers into requests.

Default: True


Whether or not to use the domain name of requests as the service name. This setting can be overridden with session overrides (described in the Instance Configuration section).

This setting takes precedence over ddtrace.config.httpx['service']

Default: False

Instance Configuration#

To configure particular httpx client instances use the Pin API:

import httpx
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

client = httpx.Client()
# Override service name for this instance
Pin.override(client, service="custom-http-service")

async_client = httpx.AsyncClient(
# Override service name for this instance
Pin.override(async_client, service="custom-async-http-service")

Headers tracing is supported for this integration.

HTTP Tagging is supported for this integration.


The jinja2 integration traces templates loading, compilation and rendering. Auto instrumentation is available using the patch. The following is an example:

from ddtrace import patch
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader


env = Environment(
template = env.get_template('mytemplate.html')

The library can be configured globally and per instance, using the Configuration API:

from ddtrace import config
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

# Change service name globally
config.jinja2['service_name'] = 'jinja-templates'

# change the service name only for this environment
Pin.override(env, service='jinja-templates')

By default, the service name is set to None, so it is inherited from the parent span. If there is no parent span and the service name is not overridden the agent will drop the traces.


This integration instruments the confluent-kafka<> library to trace event streaming.


The kafka integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch
import confluent_kafka

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for your kafka spans.

This option can also be set with the DD_KAFKA_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "kafka"

To configure the kafka integration using the Pin API:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin
from ddtrace import patch

# Make sure to patch before importing confluent_kafka

import confluent_kafka

Pin.override(confluent_kafka, service="custom-service-name")


Instrument kombu to report AMQP messaging.

patch_all will not automatically patch your Kombu client to make it work, as this would conflict with the Celery integration. You must specifically request kombu be patched, as in the example below.

Note: To permit distributed tracing for the kombu integration you must enable the tracer with priority sampling. Refer to the documentation here:

Without enabling distributed tracing, spans within a trace generated by the kombu integration might be dropped without the whole trace being dropped.

from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import kombu

# If not patched yet, you can patch kombu specifically

# This will report a span with the default settings
conn = kombu.Connection("amqp://guest:guest@")
task_queue = kombu.Queue('tasks', kombu.Exchange('tasks'), routing_key='tasks')
to_publish = {'hello': 'world'}
producer = conn.Producer()

# Use a pin to specify metadata related to this client
Pin.override(producer, service='kombu-consumer')


The LangChain integration instruments the LangChain Python library to emit metrics, traces, and logs (logs are disabled by default) for requests made to the LLMs, chat models, embeddings, chains, and vector store interfaces.

All metrics, logs, and traces submitted from the LangChain integration are tagged by:

  • service, env, version: see the Unified Service Tagging docs.

  • langchain.request.provider: LLM provider used in the request.

  • langchain.request.model: LLM/Chat/Embeddings model used in the request.

  • langchain.request.api_key: LLM provider API key used to make the request (obfuscated into the format ...XXXX where XXXX is the last 4 digits of the key).

Note: For langchain>=0.1.0, this integration drops tracing support for the following deprecated langchain operations in favor of the recommended alternatives in the langchain changelog docs. This includes:

  • with langchain.chain.Chain.invoke/ainvoke

  • langchain.embeddings.openai.OpenAIEmbeddings.embed_documents with langchain_openai.OpenAIEmbeddings.embed_documents

  • langchain.vectorstores.pinecone.Pinecone.similarity_search with langchain_pinecone.PineconeVectorStore.similarity_search

Note: For langchain>=0.2.0, this integration does not patch langchain-community if it is not available, as langchain-community is no longer a required dependency of langchain>=0.2.0. This means that this integration will not trace the following:

  • Embedding calls made using langchain_community.embeddings.*

  • Vector store similarity search calls made using langchain_community.vectorstores.*

  • Total cost metrics for OpenAI requests


The following metrics are collected by default by the LangChain integration.


If the Agent is configured to use a non-default Statsd hostname or port, use DD_DOGSTATSD_URL to configure ddtrace to use it.


The duration of the LangChain request in seconds.

Type: distribution


The number of errors from requests made with LangChain.

Type: count


The number of tokens used in the prompt of a LangChain request.

Type: distribution


The number of tokens used in the completion of a LangChain response.

Type: distribution

The total number of tokens used in the prompt and completion of a LangChain request/response.

Type: distribution


The estimated cost in USD based on token usage.

Type: count

(beta) Prompt and Completion Sampling#

The following data is collected in span tags with a default sampling rate of 1.0:

  • Prompt inputs and completions for the LLM interface.

  • Message inputs and completions for the ChatModel interface.

  • Embedding inputs for the Embeddings interface.

  • Prompt inputs, chain inputs, and outputs for the Chain interface.

  • Query inputs and document outputs for the VectorStore interface.

Prompt and message inputs and completions can also be emitted as log data. Logs are not emitted by default. When logs are enabled they are sampled at 0.1.

Read the Global Configuration section for information about enabling logs and configuring sampling rates.


To submit logs, you must set the DD_API_KEY environment variable.

Set DD_SITE to send logs to a Datadog site such as The default is


The LangChain integration is enabled automatically when you use ddtrace-run or import

Note that these commands also enable the requests and aiohttp integrations which trace HTTP requests to LLM providers, as well as the openai integration which traces requests to the OpenAI library.

Alternatively, use patch() to manually enable the LangChain integration::

from ddtrace import config, patch

# Note: be sure to configure the integration before calling patch()! # config.langchain[“logs_enabled”] = True


# to trace synchronous HTTP requests # patch(langchain=True, requests=True)

# to trace asynchronous HTTP requests (to the OpenAI library) # patch(langchain=True, aiohttp=True)

# to include underlying OpenAI spans from the OpenAI integration # patch(langchain=True, openai=True)

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for LangChain requests.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_SERVICE or DD_LANGCHAIN_SERVICE environment variables.



Enable collection of prompts and completions as logs. You can adjust the rate of prompts and completions collected using the sample rate configuration described below.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_LANGCHAIN_LOGS_ENABLED environment variable.

Note that you must set the DD_API_KEY environment variable to enable sending logs.

Default: False


Enable collection of LangChain metrics.

If the Datadog Agent is configured to use a non-default Statsd hostname or port, use DD_DOGSTATSD_URL to configure ddtrace to use it.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_LANGCHAIN_METRICS_ENABLED environment variable.

Default: True

(beta) ddtrace.config.langchain["span_char_limit"]

Configure the maximum number of characters for the following data within span tags:

  • Prompt inputs and completions

  • Message inputs and completions

  • Embedding inputs

Text exceeding the maximum number of characters is truncated to the character limit and has ... appended to the end.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_LANGCHAIN_SPAN_CHAR_LIMIT environment variable.

Default: 128

(beta) ddtrace.config.langchain["span_prompt_completion_sample_rate"]

Configure the sample rate for the collection of prompts and completions as span tags.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_LANGCHAIN_SPAN_PROMPT_COMPLETION_SAMPLE_RATE environment variable.

Default: 1.0

(beta) ddtrace.config.langchain["log_prompt_completion_sample_rate"]

Configure the sample rate for the collection of prompts and completions as logs.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_LANGCHAIN_LOG_PROMPT_COMPLETION_SAMPLE_RATE environment variable.

Default: 0.1


Datadog APM traces can be integrated with the logs produced by `logbook by:

1. Having ddtrace patch the logbook module. This will configure a patcher which appends trace related values to the log.

  1. Ensuring the logger has a format which emits new values from the log record

3. For log correlation between APM and logs, the easiest format is via JSON so that no further configuration needs to be done in the Datadog UI assuming that the Datadog trace values are at the top level of the JSON


Patch logbook#

If using ddtrace-run then set the environment variable DD_LOGS_INJECTION=true.

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Proper Formatting#

The trace values are patched to every log at the top level of the record. In order to correlate logs, it is highly recommended to use JSON logs which can be achieved by using a handler with a proper formatting:

handler = FileHandler('output.log', format_string='{{\"message\": "{record.message}",'
                                                      '\"dd.trace_id\": "{record.extra[dd.trace_id]}",'
                                                      '\"dd.span_id\": "{record.extra[dd.span_id]}",'
                                                      '\"dd.env\": "{record.extra[dd.env]}",'
                                                      '\"dd.service\": "{record.extra[dd.service]}",'
                                                      '\"dd.version\": "{record.extra[dd.version]}"}}')

Note that the extra field does not have a dd object but rather only a dd.trace_id, dd.span_id, etc. To access the trace values inside extra, please use the [] operator.

This will create a handler for the application that formats the logs in a way that is JSON with all the Datadog trace values in a JSON format that can be automatically parsed by the Datadog backend.

For more information, please see the attached guide for the Datadog Logging Product:


Datadog APM traces can be integrated with the logs produced by `loguru by:

1. Having ddtrace patch the loguru module. This will configure a patcher which appends trace related values to the log.

  1. Ensuring the logger has a format which emits new values from the log record

3. For log correlation between APM and logs, the easiest format is via JSON so that no further configuration needs to be done in the Datadog UI assuming that the Datadog trace values are at the top level of the JSON


Patch loguru#

If using ddtrace-run then set the environment variable DD_LOGS_INJECTION=true.

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Proper Formatting#

The trace values are patched to every log at the top level of the record. In order to correlate logs, it is highly recommended to use JSON logs. Here are two ways to do this:

  1. Use the built-in serialize function within the library that emits the entire log record into a JSON log:

    from loguru import logger
    logger.add("app.log", serialize=True)

This will emit the entire log record with the trace values into a file “app.log”

  1. Create a custom format that includes the trace values in JSON format:

    def serialize(record):
        subset = {
            "message": record["message"],
            "dd.trace_id": record["dd.trace_id"],
            "dd.span_id": record["dd.span_id"],
            "dd.env": record["dd.env"],
            "dd.version": record["dd.version"],
            "dd.service": record["dd.service"],
    return json.dumps(subset)
    def log_format(record):
        record["extra"]["serialized"] = serialize(record)
        return "{extra[serialized]}\n"
    logger.add("app.log", format=log_format)

This will emit the log in a format where the output contains the trace values of the log at the top level of a JSON along with the message. The log will not include all the possible information in the record, but rather only the values included in the subset object within the serialize method

For more information, please see the attached guide for the Datadog Logging Product:


The mako integration traces templates rendering. Auto instrumentation is available using import The following is an example:


from mako.template import Template

t = Template(filename="index.html")


The MariaDB integration instruments the MariaDB library to trace queries.


The MariaDB integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for MariaDB spans.

This option can also be set with the DD_MARIADB_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "mariadb"

Instance Configuration#

To configure the mariadb integration on an per-connection basis use the Pin API:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin
from ddtrace import patch

# Make sure to patch before importing mariadb

import mariadb.connector

# This will report a span with the default settings
conn = mariadb.connector.connect(user="alice", password="b0b", host="localhost", port=3306, database="test")

# Use a pin to override the service name for this connection.
Pin.override(conn, service="mariadb-users")

cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT 6*7 AS the_answer;")


The molten web framework is automatically traced by ddtrace:

from molten import App, Route

def hello(name: str, age: int) -> str:
    return f'Hello {age} year old named {name}!'
app = App(routes=[Route('/hello/{name}/{age}', hello)])

You may also enable molten tracing automatically via ddtrace-run:

ddtrace-run python



Whether to parse distributed tracing headers from requests received by your Molten app.

Default: True


The service name reported for your Molten app.

Can also be configured via the DD_SERVICE or DD_MOLTEN_SERVICE environment variables.

Default: 'molten'

All HTTP tags are supported for this integration.


Instrument mongoengine to report MongoDB queries.

import will automatically patch your mongoengine connect method to make it work.

from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import mongoengine

# If not patched yet, you can patch mongoengine specifically

# At that point, mongoengine is instrumented with the default settings
mongoengine.connect('db', alias='default')

# Use a pin to specify metadata related to this client
client = mongoengine.connect('db', alias='master')
Pin.override(client, service="mongo-master")


The mysql integration instruments the mysql library to trace MySQL queries.


The mysql integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for mysql spans.

This option can also be set with the DD_MYSQL_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "mysql"


Whether or not to trace fetch methods.

Can also configured via the DD_MYSQL_TRACE_FETCH_METHODS environment variable.

Default: False

Instance Configuration#

To configure the mysql integration on an per-connection basis use the Pin API:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin
# Make sure to import mysql.connector and not the 'connect' function,
# otherwise you won't have access to the patched version
import mysql.connector

# This will report a span with the default settings
conn = mysql.connector.connect(user="alice", password="b0b", host="localhost", port=3306, database="test")

# Use a pin to override the service name for this connection.
Pin.override(conn, service='mysql-users')

cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT 6*7 AS the_answer;")

Only the default full-Python integration works. The binary C connector, provided by _mysql_connector, is not supported.

Help on mysql.connector can be found on:


The mysqldb integration instruments the mysqlclient library to trace MySQL queries.


The integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for spans.

This option can also be set with the DD_MYSQLDB_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "mysql"


Whether or not to trace fetch methods.

Can also configured via the DD_MYSQLDB_TRACE_FETCH_METHODS environment variable.

Default: False


Whether or not to trace connecting.

Can also be configured via the DD_MYSQLDB_TRACE_CONNECT environment variable.

Note that if you are overriding the service name via the Pin on an individual cursor, that will not affect connect traces. The service name must also be overridden on the Pin on the MySQLdb module.

Default: False

Instance Configuration#

To configure the integration on an per-connection basis use the Pin API:

# Make sure to import MySQLdb and not the 'connect' function,
# otherwise you won't have access to the patched version
from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import MySQLdb

# This will report a span with the default settings
conn = MySQLdb.connect(user="alice", passwd="b0b", host="localhost", port=3306, db="test")

# Use a pin to override the service.
Pin.override(conn, service='mysql-users')

cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT 6*7 AS the_answer;")

This package works for mysqlclient. Only the default full-Python integration works. The binary C connector provided by _mysql is not supported.

Help on mysqlclient can be found on:


The OpenAI integration instruments the OpenAI Python library to emit metrics, traces, and logs (logs are disabled by default) for requests made to the models, completions, chat completions, edits, images, embeddings, audio, files, fine-tunes, and moderations endpoints.

All metrics, logs, and traces submitted from the OpenAI integration are tagged by:

  • service, env, version: see the Unified Service Tagging docs.

  • openai.request.endpoint: OpenAI API endpoint used in the request.

  • openai.request.method: HTTP method type used in the request.

  • openai.request.model: OpenAI model used in the request.

  • OpenAI organization name used in the request.

  • OpenAI organization ID used in the request (when available).

  • openai.user.api_key: OpenAI API key used to make the request (obfuscated to match the OpenAI UI representation sk-...XXXX where XXXX is the last 4 digits of the key).


The following metrics are collected by default by the OpenAI integration.


If the Agent is configured to use a non-default Statsd hostname or port, use DD_DOGSTATSD_URL to configure ddtrace to use it.


Ratelimit and token metrics only reflect usage of the supported completions, chat completions, and embedding

endpoints. Usage of other OpenAI endpoints will not be recorded as they are not provided.


The duration of the OpenAI request in seconds.

Type: distribution


The number of errors from requests made to OpenAI.

Type: count


The maximum number of OpenAI requests permitted before exhausting the rate limit.

Type: gauge


The maximum number of OpenAI tokens permitted before exhausting the rate limit.

Type: gauge


The remaining number of OpenAI requests permitted before exhausting the rate limit.

Type: gauge


The remaining number of OpenAI tokens permitted before exhausting the rate limit.

Type: gauge


The number of tokens used in the prompt of an OpenAI request.

Type: distribution


The number of tokens used in the completion of a OpenAI response.

Type: distribution

The total number of tokens used in the prompt and completion of a OpenAI request/response.

Type: distribution

(beta) Prompt and Completion Sampling#

The following data is collected in span tags with a default sampling rate of 1.0:

  • Prompt inputs and completions for the completions endpoint.

  • Message inputs and completions for the chat.completions endpoint.

  • Embedding inputs for the embeddings endpoint.

  • Edit inputs, instructions, and completions for the edits endpoint.

  • Image input filenames and completion URLs for the images endpoint.

  • Audio input filenames and completions for the audio endpoint.

Prompt and message inputs and completions can also be emitted as log data. Logs are not emitted by default. When logs are enabled they are sampled at 0.1.

Read the Global Configuration section for information about enabling logs and configuring sampling rates.


To submit logs, you must set the DD_API_KEY environment variable.

Set DD_SITE to send logs to a Datadog site such as The default is

(beta) Streamed Responses Support#

The OpenAI integration estimates prompt and completion token counts if streaming is turned on. This is because the usage field is no longer returned in streamed completions, which is what the integration relies on for reporting metrics.

Streaming responses should produce a span. This span is tagged with estimated completion and total tokens. The integration will make a best effort attempt to tag the original parent openai.request span with completion and total usage information, but this parent span may be flushed before this information is available.

The _est_tokens function implements token count estimations. It returns the average of simple token estimation techniques that do not rely on installing a tokenizer.


The OpenAI integration is enabled automatically when you use ddtrace-run or import

Note that these commands also enable the requests and aiohttp integrations which trace HTTP requests from the OpenAI library.

Alternatively, use patch() to manually enable the OpenAI integration:

from ddtrace import config, patch

# Note: be sure to configure the integration before calling ``patch()``!
# eg. config.openai["logs_enabled"] = True


# to trace synchronous HTTP requests from the OpenAI library
# patch(openai=True, requests=True)

# to trace asynchronous HTTP requests from the OpenAI library
# patch(openai=True, aiohttp=True)

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for OpenAI requests.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_SERVICE or DD_OPENAI_SERVICE environment variables.



Enable collection of prompts and completions as logs. You can adjust the rate of prompts and completions collected using the sample rate configuration described below.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_OPENAI_LOGS_ENABLED environment variable.

Note that you must set the DD_API_KEY environment variable to enable sending logs.

Default: False


Enable collection of OpenAI metrics.

If the Datadog Agent is configured to use a non-default Statsd hostname or port, use DD_DOGSTATSD_URL to configure ddtrace to use it.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_OPENAI_METRICS_ENABLED environment variable.

Default: True

(beta) ddtrace.config.openai["span_char_limit"]

Configure the maximum number of characters for the following data within span tags:

  • Prompt inputs and completions

  • Message inputs and completions

  • Embedding inputs

Text exceeding the maximum number of characters is truncated to the character limit and has ... appended to the end.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_OPENAI_SPAN_CHAR_LIMIT environment variable.

Default: 128

(beta) ddtrace.config.openai["span_prompt_completion_sample_rate"]

Configure the sample rate for the collection of prompts and completions as span tags.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_OPENAI_SPAN_PROMPT_COMPLETION_SAMPLE_RATE environment variable.

Default: 1.0

(beta) ddtrace.config.openai["log_prompt_completion_sample_rate"]

Configure the sample rate for the collection of prompts and completions as logs.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_OPENAI_LOG_PROMPT_COMPLETION_SAMPLE_RATE environment variable.

Default: 0.1

Instance Configuration#

To configure the OpenAI integration on a per-instance basis use the Pin API:

import openai
from ddtrace import config
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

Pin.override(openai, service="my-openai-service")


Instrument pylibmc to report Memcached queries.

import will automatically patch your pylibmc client to make it work.

# Be sure to import pylibmc and not pylibmc.Client directly,
# otherwise you won't have access to the patched version
from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import pylibmc

# If not patched yet, you can patch pylibmc specifically

# One client instrumented with default configuration
client = pylibmc.Client(["localhost:11211"]
client.set("key1", "value1")

# Use a pin to specify metadata related to this client
Pin.override(client, service="memcached-sessions")


The PynamoDB integration traces all db calls made with the pynamodb library through the connection API.


The PynamoDB integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

import pynamodb
from ddtrace import patch, config

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for the PynamoDB instance.

This option can also be set with the DD_PYNAMODB_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "pynamodb"


The pyodbc integration instruments the pyodbc library to trace pyodbc queries.


The integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for pyodbc spans.

This option can also be set with the DD_PYODBC_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "pyodbc"


Whether or not to trace fetch methods.

Can also configured via the DD_PYODBC_TRACE_FETCH_METHODS environment variable.

Default: False

Instance Configuration#

To configure the integration on an per-connection basis use the Pin API:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import pyodbc

# This will report a span with the default settings
db = pyodbc.connect("<connection string>")

# Use a pin to override the service name for the connection.
Pin.override(db, service='pyodbc-users')

cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("select * from users where id = 1")


Instrument pymemcache to report memcached queries.

import will automatically patch the pymemcache Client:

from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

# If not patched yet, patch pymemcache specifically

# Import reference to Client AFTER patching
import pymemcache
from pymemcache.client.base import Client

# Use a pin to specify metadata related all clients
Pin.override(pymemcache, service='my-memcached-service')

# This will report a span with the default settings
client = Client(('localhost', 11211))
client.set("my-key", "my-val")

# Use a pin to specify metadata related to this particular client
Pin.override(client, service='my-memcached-service')

# If using a HashClient, specify metadata on each of its underlying
# Client instances individually
client = HashClient(('localhost', 11211))
for _c in client.clients.values():
    Pin.override(_c, service="my-service")

Pymemcache HashClient will also be indirectly patched as it uses Client under the hood.


Instrument pymongo to report MongoDB queries.

The pymongo integration works by wrapping pymongo’s MongoClient to trace network calls. Pymongo 3.0 and greater are the currently supported versions. import will automatically patch your MongoClient instance to make it work.

# Be sure to import pymongo and not pymongo.MongoClient directly,
# otherwise you won't have access to the patched version
from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import pymongo

# If not patched yet, you can patch pymongo specifically

# At that point, pymongo is instrumented with the default settings
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
# Example of instrumented query
db = client["test-db"]
db.teams.find({"name": "Toronto Maple Leafs"})

# Use a pin to specify metadata related to this client
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
pin = Pin.override(client, service="mongo-master")

Global Configuration#

The service name reported by default for pymongo spans

The option can also be set with the DD_PYMONGO_SERVICE environment variable

Default: "pymongo"


The pymysql integration instruments the pymysql library to trace MySQL queries.


The integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for pymysql spans.

This option can also be set with the DD_PYMYSQL_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "mysql"


Whether or not to trace fetch methods.

Can also configured via the DD_PYMYSQL_TRACE_FETCH_METHODS environment variable.

Default: False

Instance Configuration#

To configure the integration on an per-connection basis use the Pin API:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin
from pymysql import connect

# This will report a span with the default settings
conn = connect(user="alice", password="b0b", host="localhost", port=3306, database="test")

# Use a pin to override the service name for this connection.
Pin.override(conn, service="pymysql-users")

cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT 6*7 AS the_answer;")


To trace requests from a Pyramid application, trace your application config:

from pyramid.config import Configurator
from ddtrace.contrib.pyramid import trace_pyramid

settings = {
    'datadog_trace_service' : 'my-web-app-name',

config = Configurator(settings=settings)

# use your config as normal.
config.add_route('index', '/')

Available settings are:

  • datadog_trace_service: change the pyramid service name

  • datadog_trace_enabled: sets if the Tracer is enabled or not

  • datadog_distributed_tracing: set it to False to disable Distributed Tracing

If you use the pyramid.tweens settings value to set the tweens for your application, you need to add ddtrace.contrib.pyramid:trace_tween_factory explicitly to the list. For example:

settings = {
    'datadog_trace_service' : 'my-web-app-name',
    'pyramid.tweens', 'your_tween_no_1\\nyour_tween_no_2\\nddtrace.contrib.pyramid:trace_tween_factory',

config = Configurator(settings=settings)

# use your config as normal.
config.add_route('index', '/')

All HTTP tags are supported for this integration.


The pytest integration traces test executions.


Enable traced execution of tests using pytest runner by running pytest --ddtrace or by modifying any configuration file read by pytest (pytest.ini, setup.cfg, …):

ddtrace = 1

If you need to disable it, the option --no-ddtrace will take precedence over --ddtrace and (pytest.ini, setup.cfg, …)

You can enable all integrations by using the --ddtrace-patch-all option alongside --ddtrace or by adding this to your configuration:

ddtrace = 1
ddtrace-patch-all = 1


The ddtrace plugin for pytest has the side effect of importing the ddtrace package and starting a global tracer.

If this is causing issues for your pytest runs where traced execution of tests is not enabled, you can deactivate the plugin:

addopts = -p no:ddtrace

See the pytest documentation for more details.

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for pytest traces.

This option can also be set with the integration specific DD_PYTEST_SERVICE environment variable, or more generally with the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: Name of the repository being tested, otherwise "pytest" if the repository name cannot be found.


The operation name reported by default for pytest traces.

This option can also be set with the DD_PYTEST_OPERATION_NAME environment variable.

Default: "pytest.test"


The pytest-bdd integration traces executions of scenarios and steps.


Please follow the instructions for enabling pytest integration.


The ddtrace.pytest_bdd plugin for pytest-bdd has the side effect of importing the ddtrace package and starting a global tracer.

If this is causing issues for your pytest-bdd runs where traced execution of tests is not enabled, you can deactivate the plugin:

addopts = -p no:ddtrace.pytest_bdd

See the pytest documentation for more details.


The psycopg integration instruments the psycopg and psycopg2 libraries to trace Postgres queries.


The psycopg integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for psycopg spans.

This option can also be set with the DD_PSYCOPG_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "postgres"


Whether or not to trace fetch methods.

Can also configured via the DD_PSYCOPG_TRACE_FETCH_METHODS environment variable.

Default: False


Whether or not to trace psycopg.connect method.

Can also configured via the DD_PSYCOPG_TRACE_CONNECT environment variable.

Default: False

Instance Configuration#

To configure the psycopg integration on an per-connection basis use the Pin API:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import psycopg

db = psycopg.connect(connection_factory=factory)
# Use a pin to override the service name.
Pin.override(db, service="postgres-users")

cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("select * from users where id = 1")


The redis integration traces redis requests.


The redis integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for redis traces.

This option can also be set with the DD_REDIS_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "redis"


Max allowable size for the redis command span tag. Anything beyond the max length will be replaced with "...".

This option can also be set with the DD_REDIS_CMD_MAX_LENGTH environment variable.

Default: 1000


The span resource will only include the command executed. To include all arguments in the span resource, set this value to False.

This option can also be set with the DD_REDIS_RESOURCE_ONLY_COMMAND environment variable.

Default: True

Instance Configuration#

To configure particular redis instances use the Pin API:

import redis
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

client = redis.StrictRedis(host="localhost", port=6379)

# Override service name for this instance
Pin.override(client, service="my-custom-queue")

# Traces reported for this client will now have "my-custom-queue"
# as the service name.


Instrument rediscluster to report Redis Cluster queries.

import will automatically patch your Redis Cluster client to make it work.

from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import rediscluster

# If not patched yet, you can patch redis specifically

# This will report a span with the default settings
client = rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster(startup_nodes=[{'host':'localhost', 'port':'7000'}])

# Use a pin to specify metadata related to this client
Pin.override(client, service='redis-queue')

Global Configuration#

The service name reported by default for rediscluster spans

The option can also be set with the DD_REDISCLUSTER_SERVICE environment variable

Default: 'rediscluster'


Max allowable size for the rediscluster command span tag. Anything beyond the max length will be replaced with "...".

This option can also be set with the DD_REDISCLUSTER_CMD_MAX_LENGTH environment variable.

Default: 1000


The span resource will only include the command executed. To include all arguments in the span resource, set this value to False.

This option can also be set with the DD_REDIS_RESOURCE_ONLY_COMMAND environment variable.

Default: True


The requests integration traces all HTTP requests made with the requests library.

The default service name used is requests but it can be configured to match the services that the specific requests are made to.


The requests integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

# use requests like usual

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for requests queries. This value will be overridden by an instance override or if the split_by_domain setting is enabled.

This option can also be set with the DD_REQUESTS_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "requests"


Whether or not to parse distributed tracing headers.

Default: True


Whether or not to include the query string as a tag.

Default: False


Whether or not to use the domain name of requests as the service name. This setting can be overridden with session overrides (described in the Instance Configuration section).

Default: False

Instance Configuration#

To set configuration options for all requests made with a requests.Session object use the config API:

from ddtrace import config
from ddtrace.trace import Pin
from requests import Session

session = Session()
Pin.override(session, service='auth-api')


The RQ integration will trace your jobs.


The rq integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Worker Usage#

ddtrace-run can be used to easily trace your workers:

DD_SERVICE=myworker ddtrace-run rq worker

Instance Configuration#

To override the service name for a queue:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin

connection = redis.Redis()
queue = rq.Queue(connection=connection)
Pin.override(queue, service="custom_queue_service")

To override the service name for a particular worker:

worker = rq.SimpleWorker([queue], connection=queue.connection)
Pin.override(worker, service="custom_worker_service")

Global Configuration#


If True the integration will connect the traces sent between the enqueuer and the RQ worker.

This option can also be set with the DD_RQ_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING_ENABLED environment variable on either the enqueuer or worker applications.

Default: True


The service name reported by default for RQ spans from the app.

This option can also be set with the DD_SERVICE or DD_RQ_SERVICE environment variables.

Default: rq


The service name reported by default for RQ spans from workers.

This option can also be set with the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: rq-worker


The Sanic integration will trace requests to and from Sanic.

Enable Sanic tracing automatically via ddtrace-run:

ddtrace-run python

Sanic tracing can also be enabled explicitly:

from ddtrace import patch_all

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import text

app = Sanic(__name__)

def index(request):
    return text('hello world')

if __name__ == '__main__':



Whether to parse distributed tracing headers from requests received by your Sanic app.

Default: True


The service name reported for your Sanic app.

Can also be configured via the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: 'sanic'


from ddtrace import config

# Enable distributed tracing
config.sanic['distributed_tracing_enabled'] = True

# Override service name
config.sanic['service_name'] = 'custom-service-name'


The snowflake integration instruments the snowflake-connector-python library to trace Snowflake queries.

Note that this integration is in beta.


The integration is not enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Use DD_TRACE_SNOWFLAKE_ENABLED=true to enable it with ddtrace-run

or patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

or use patch_all() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch_all

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for snowflake spans.

This option can also be set with the DD_SNOWFLAKE_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "snowflake"


Whether or not to trace fetch methods.

Can also configured via the DD_SNOWFLAKE_TRACE_FETCH_METHODS environment variable.

Default: False

Instance Configuration#

To configure the integration on an per-connection basis use the Pin API:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin
from snowflake.connector import connect

# This will report a span with the default settings
conn = connect(user="alice", password="b0b", account="dev")

# Use a pin to override the service name for this connection.
Pin.override(conn, service="snowflake-dev")

cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT current_version()")


The Starlette integration will trace requests to and from Starlette.


The starlette integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch
from starlette.applications import Starlette

app = Starlette()



Whether to parse distributed tracing headers from requests received by your Starlette app.

Can also be enabled with the DD_STARLETTE_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING environment variable.

Default: True


The service name reported for your starlette app.

Can also be configured via the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: 'starlette'


The span name for a starlette request.

Default: 'starlette.request'


from ddtrace import config

# Enable distributed tracing
config.starlette['distributed_tracing'] = True

# Override service name
config.starlette['service_name'] = 'custom-service-name'

# Override request span name
config.starlette['request_span_name'] = 'custom-request-span-name'


Datadog APM traces can be integrated with the logs produced by structlog by:

1. Having ddtrace patch the structlog module. This will add a processor in the beginning of the chain that adds trace attributes to the event_dict

2. For log correlation between APM and logs, the easiest format is via JSON so that no further configuration needs to be done in the Datadog UI assuming that the Datadog trace values are at the top level of the JSON


Patch structlog#

If using ddtrace-run then set the environment variable DD_LOGS_INJECTION=true.

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Proper Formatting#

The trace attributes are injected via a processor in the processor block of the configuration whether that be the default processor chain or a user-configured chain.

An example of a configuration that outputs to a file that can be injected into is as below:


For more information, please see the attached guide for the Datadog Logging Product:


Enabling the SQLAlchemy integration is only necessary if there is no instrumentation available or enabled for the underlying database engine (e.g. pymysql, psycopg, mysql-connector, etc.).

To trace sqlalchemy queries, add instrumentation to the engine class using the patch method that must be called before importing sqlalchemy:

# patch before importing `create_engine`
from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

# use SQLAlchemy as usual
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
engine.connect().execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users")

# Use a PIN to specify metadata related to this engine
Pin.override(engine, service='replica-db')


The sqlite integration instruments the built-in sqlite module to trace SQLite queries.


The integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for sqlite spans.

This option can also be set with the DD_SQLITE_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "sqlite"


Whether or not to trace fetch methods.

Can also configured via the DD_SQLITE_TRACE_FETCH_METHODS environment variable.

Default: False

Instance Configuration#

To configure the integration on an per-connection basis use the Pin API:

from ddtrace.trace import Pin
import sqlite3

# This will report a span with the default settings
db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")

# Use a pin to override the service name for the connection.
Pin.override(db, service='sqlite-users')

cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("select * from users where id = 1")


The Tornado integration traces all RequestHandler defined in a Tornado web application. Auto instrumentation is available using the patch function that must be called before importing the tornado library.

Note: This integration requires Python 3.7 and above for Tornado 5 and 6.

The following is an example:

# patch before importing tornado and concurrent.futures
from ddtrace.trace import tracer, patch

import tornado.web
import tornado.gen
import tornado.ioloop

# create your handlers
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        self.write("Hello, world")

# create your application
app = tornado.web.Application([
    (r'/', MainHandler),

# and run it as usual

When any type of RequestHandler is hit, a request root span is automatically created. If you want to trace more parts of your application, you can use the wrap() decorator and the trace() method as usual:

class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        yield self.notify()
        yield self.blocking_method()
        with tracer.trace('tornado.before_write') as span:
            # trace more work in the handler

    def blocking_method(self):
        # do something expensive

    @tracer.wrap('tornado.notify', service='tornado-notification')
    def notify(self):
        # do something

If you are overriding the on_finish or log_exception methods on a RequestHandler, you will need to call the super method to ensure the tracer’s patched methods are called:

class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        self.write("Hello, world")

    def on_finish(self):
        super(MainHandler, self).on_finish()
        # do other clean-up

    def log_exception(self, typ, value, tb):
        super(MainHandler, self).log_exception(typ, value, tb)
        # do other logging

Tornado settings can be used to change some tracing configuration, like:

settings = {
    'datadog_trace': {
        'default_service': 'my-tornado-app',
        'tags': {'env': 'production'},
        'distributed_tracing': False,

app = tornado.web.Application([
    (r'/', MainHandler),
], **settings)

The available settings are:

  • default_service (default: tornado-web): set the service name used by the tracer. Usually this configuration must be updated with a meaningful name. Can also be configured via the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

  • tags (default: {}): set global tags that should be applied to all spans.

  • enabled (default: True): define if the tracer is enabled or not. If set to false, the code is still instrumented but no spans are sent to the APM agent.

  • distributed_tracing (default: None): enable distributed tracing if this is called remotely from an instrumented application. Overrides the integration config which is configured via the DD_TORNADO_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING environment variable. We suggest to enable it only for internal services where headers are under your control.

  • agent_hostname (default: localhost): define the hostname of the APM agent.

  • agent_port (default: 8126): define the port of the APM agent.

  • settings (default: {}): Tracer extra settings used to change, for instance, the filtering behavior.


The unittest integration traces test executions.


The unittest integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Alternately, use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The operation name reported by default for unittest traces.

This option can also be set with the DD_UNITTEST_OPERATION_NAME environment variable.

Default: "unittest.test"


Requires all unittest tests to start with test as stated in the Python documentation

This option can also be set with the DD_CIVISIBILITY_UNITTEST_STRICT_NAMING environment variable.

Default: True


The urllib3 integration instruments tracing on http calls with optional support for distributed tracing across services the client communicates with.


The urllib3 integration is not enabled by default. Use patch_all() with the environment variable DD_TRACE_URLLIB3_ENABLED set, or call patch() with the urllib3 argument set to True to manually enable the integration, before importing and using urllib3:

from ddtrace import patch

# use urllib3 like usual

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for urllib3 client instances.

This option can also be set with the DD_URLLIB3_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "urllib3"


Whether or not to parse distributed tracing headers.

Default: True


Whether or not to include the query string as a tag.

Default: False


Whether or not to use the domain name of requests as the service name.

Default: False


The Vertex AI integration instruments the Vertex Generative AI SDK for Python for requests made to Google models.

All traces submitted from the Vertex AI integration are tagged by:

  • service, env, version: see the Unified Service Tagging docs.

  • vertexai.request.provider: LLM provider used in the request (e.g. google for Google models).

  • vertexai.request.model: Google model used in the request.

(beta) Prompt and Completion Sampling#

Prompt texts and completion content are collected in span tags with a default sampling rate of 1.0 for the following methods:

  • generate_content/generate_content_async of the GenerativeModel class

  • send_message/send_message_async of the ChatSession class

These tags will have truncation applied if the text exceeds the configured character limit.


The Vertex AI integration is enabled automatically when you use ddtrace-run or import

Alternatively, use patch() to manually enable the Vertex AI integration:

from ddtrace import config, patch


Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for Vertex AI requests.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_SERVICE or DD_VERTEXAI_SERVICE environment variables.


(beta) ddtrace.config.vertexai["span_char_limit"]

Configure the maximum number of characters for the following data within span tags:

  • Text inputs and completions

Text exceeding the maximum number of characters is truncated to the character limit and has ... appended to the end.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_VERTEXAI_SPAN_CHAR_LIMIT environment variable.

Default: 128

(beta) ddtrace.config.vertexai["span_prompt_completion_sample_rate"]

Configure the sample rate for the collection of prompts and completions as span tags.

Alternatively, you can set this option with the DD_VERTEXAI_SPAN_PROMPT_COMPLETION_SAMPLE_RATE environment variable.

Default: 1.0

Instance Configuration#

To configure the Vertex AI integration on a per-instance basis use the Pin API:

import vertexai
from ddtrace import config
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

Pin.override(vertexai, service="my-vertexai-service")


The Vertica integration will trace queries made using the vertica-python library.

Vertica will be automatically instrumented with import, or when using the ddtrace-run command.

Vertica is instrumented on import. To instrument Vertica manually use the patch function. Note the ordering of the following statements:

from ddtrace import patch

import vertica_python

# use vertica_python like usual

To configure the Vertica integration globally you can use the Config API:

from ddtrace import config, patch

config.vertica['service_name'] = 'my-vertica-database'

To configure the Vertica integration on an instance-per-instance basis use the Pin API:

from ddtrace import patch
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

import vertica_python

conn = vertica_python.connect(**YOUR_VERTICA_CONFIG)

# override the service
Pin.override(conn, service='myverticaservice')


The yaaredis integration traces yaaredis requests.


The yaaredis integration is enabled automatically when using ddtrace-run or import

Or use patch() to manually enable the integration:

from ddtrace import patch

Global Configuration#


The service name reported by default for yaaredis traces.

This option can also be set with the DD_YAAREDIS_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "redis"


Max allowable size for the yaaredis command span tag. Anything beyond the max length will be replaced with "...".

This option can also be set with the DD_YAAREDIS_CMD_MAX_LENGTH environment variable.

Default: 1000


The span resource will only include the command executed. To include all arguments in the span resource, set this value to False.

This option can also be set with the DD_REDIS_RESOURCE_ONLY_COMMAND environment variable.

Default: True

Instance Configuration#

To configure particular yaaredis instances use the Pin API:

import yaaredis
from ddtrace.trace import Pin

client = yaaredis.StrictRedis(host="localhost", port=6379)

# Override service name for this instance
Pin.override(client, service="my-custom-queue")

# Traces reported for this client will now have "my-custom-queue"
# as the service name.
async def example():
    await client.get("my-key")


The Datadog WSGI middleware traces all WSGI requests.


The middleware can be used manually via the following command:

from ddtrace.contrib.wsgi import DDWSGIMiddleware

# application is a WSGI application
application = DDWSGIMiddleware(application)

Global Configuration#


The service name reported for the WSGI application.

This option can also be set with the DD_SERVICE environment variable.

Default: "wsgi"


Configuration that allows distributed tracing to be enabled.

Default: True

All HTTP tags are supported for this integration.